Tuesday 1 January 2013

New Years at the Bay

Last night we got together with a few other families from church to welcome in the New Year at Mission Bay. It was really a last minute decision, and we hadn't really planned it properly!

Originally the plan was to meet up for dinner, then hang out at Mission Bay and watch the Sky Tower fireworks at midnight from there. However, we ended up deciding to have dinner at home, then meet up at 8 and go to Mission Bay.

We ended up getting to Mission Bay by around 9.30pm. By then it was starting to get dark. We got to the park, then realised we didn't really have much to do!

We hung around the fountain for a while, being asked by strangers to help take photos for them.

It was starting to get a little cold, so we decided to do a bit of really show window-shopping, which wasn't really window shopping, considering most of the shops were restaurants! They were quite packed though!

Next thing you know, we were at Kiwiyo. We had a few samples before a few of the guys bought a cup.

I decided not to, as I'm on a tight budget now and wanted to save up for Burger King (I only had pudding for dinner after all!).

We started walking back down the road, towards Burger King when we found out...Burger King had closed early today! Nooooooo!!!

There were still two hours to go till midnight and we didn't have much to do, so we headed back to the beach. Aonghas and I went back to the car to grab a ball and a mat for people to sit on. We were parked further down the road, yet we couldn't see the Sky Tower from where our car was parked. The Sky Tower wasn't visible from the beach either. We were going to have to walk right around the bay to see the skyline.

Really good weather

The rest of the group met with us, and we walked along the road, around the bay and eventually found ourselves along this really long wharf.

By then it was about 20 minutes till midnight. We found a good spot on the wharf and waited in anticipation! It was a little awkward, with a few couples holding each other on either side!

Finally at midnight the fireworks went off and everyone cheered and celebrated!

Happy New Year!

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