Sunday 27 January 2013

A Late Night Sing

Tonight after church a group of us went to the Baptist Tabernacle in the city to check out their evening service. I think the last time I was at that church was probably the church conference last year!

Originally I thought the service would be in the main hall, but it turned out to be in the upstairs dining hall! We all sat around tables instead of in rows of chairs, which was a new experience! There were Bibles at each of the tables as well.

There was a worship band on the small raised stage, who led us with a few songs, before one of the pastors gave his sermon.

After the service, we all decided to have a vote on what to have for dinner before some would be going home, and a few of us to karaoke! Some of the adults initially suggested Taiwanese food, but after all the money we spent last night on dinner and ice-skating, they were out-voted by us young people who all voted for Wendy's!


It worked out well in the end though, as there wasn't much time before we were meant to be at the karaoke place. Most of us ordered the value meal which came with a burger, fries, drink and a sundae. We also got a free milk shake via the Wendy's app! It was quite filling. I almost couldn't finish it all!

We soon had to cross the road to the karaoke bar which is located in what used to be a giant gaming arcade. It looks quite nice now! It's sorta underground too. We were booked in to Room One.

There were about fifteen of us. Most of them were fluent in Chinese, so naturally they chose Mandarin and Cantonese songs. I didn't understand most of them, so I just cheered and tried singing as much as I could. Hamish, Grace and I (the English group) tried to fit in a few English songs as much as we could, even though the Chinese songs outnumbered most of them!

We did get to sing a few English songs throughout the night! There were a couple we didn't realise would have swear words in them! Uh oh! I also tried singing a couple Chinese songs, like Kiss Goodbye by Wang Lee Hom and Ai Mei by Rainie Yang!

We had the room for four hours, and each of us were allowed to order anything up to a total of $20, so I tried the red bean crush and some deep-fried fish. I'm not too sure if it was worth it for the price, but I guess at least it's something!

Aonghas soon joined us after he finished work over at uni.

Our room was booked till midnight, so by midnight we had to leave. Fortunately it's a holiday tomorrow!

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