Friday 27 May 2011

Famine Time!

The 40-Hour Famine started tonight and while I won't be doing it (me giving up food? Never!) several of the girls at my church are. Most of them are just giving up food but one of them (Joylynn up above) is giving up sight for 40 hours! Go Joylynn, finally an interesting one!

Work was quite boring today, I just mainly vacuumed and wiped benches, but hey at least I'm not getting into trouble! One of my friends from OCF came in just before work closed and introduced me to some of her friends before telling me they'd wait for me outside.

I joined them after work and went to OCF (Overseas Christian Fellowship), the second time I've attended! Tonight all the different fellowships were combining to get to know each other better. They started off with some singing which was really well done, as they had a big band made up of guitarists, a violinist, cellist, keyboard player and someone on electronic drums!

After the singing, we played 'Human Bingo' before Aonghas and Hamish came to pick me up to take me to our own youth group.

For youth group we just watched this Japanese movie called Summer Wars which is quite...interesting! It's a little hard to explain, so you can just watch the trailer!

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