Saturday 28 May 2011

The Anti-Famine

While all those poor people are giving up food for the weekend, my brothers and I had a little pig-out today. 

A little while ago this new one-day sale website started up, offering $1 Burger Fuel burger vouchers on their site. Everyone in my family bought a voucher but never got around to redeeming the vouchers...until today!

After music teaching, we went into the city so that Aonghas could study and I could work on my assignment (I bought a 2 Degrees USB modem by the way and I must say the internet was a lot faster and reliable than the actual university wireless!). It's funny how I spend five days a week working at uni, and then I come back to uni on Saturday to study! What a life...

I tried working on my assignment for a few hours before it was 9.30pm at night. I met up with Aonghas and Hamish and we went over to Burger Fuel to get a burger. I ended up getting a $14 burger, and all I paid for it was $1! What a deal!

After Burger Fuel, we all went over to Wendy's for a bit of a feed and didn't leave till almost 11pm at night! 


We're going to be fat by the end of this weekend!

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