Thursday 11 March 2010

STI's Anyone?

For the first two weeks of uni we've been focusing on STI's (sexually transmitted infections), and so we've been having lectures on the different infections which, while interesting, have been quite scary and a little disgusting! I never knew sex could be so dangerous. Be warned, if you and I ever get together, I'll have you tested before anything ever happens ;)

We did have one lecture on Tuesday which was quite amusing! The lecturer, who works in a sexual health clinic was telling us about all sorts of interesting things, such as MSM water sports (see if you can figure that one out!), her dealings with transexuals and the statistics and chances of getting an STI in South Auckland! She also told us how to identify sex shops disguised as hairdressers - they have their lights on at night!

A few of the Asian students in our class were slightly offended by her when she mentioned that the increase in STI rates in New Zealand was mainly due to gays and immigrants, especially those from Asia!

Anyway, all of this study of STI's came to an end today with a module exit test, which was a 10 minute 20 multiple-choice question test. I thought I was ready but I think I ended up guessing a lot!

We also had a small quiz in our Aseptic dispensing workshop that had a lot of calculations, which I admit I couldn't remember how to do! Fortunately that quiz was only worth something like 0.05%!

It looks like the real work is starting!

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