Friday 19 March 2010

Not Ripped to Shreds for Once!

I had the very daunting dispensing lab this afternoon. After the first dispensing lab a couple weeks ago, everyone was on edge about this one. I guess we didn't do so well in the last one because it was pretty much a surprise, so this time hopefully it'd go a lot better now that we knew the format of the lab ASSESSMENT!

In the dispensing lab we have to dispense two prescriptions. The first prescription is actually blank and we have to make a recommendation to the doctor and fill it in ourselves. That one is based on one of the cases we had to work on in the workshop the day before. Fortunately it was the same case my group worked on! 

Time management is a big thing in the dispensing lab and so as soon as we got in we had to hit the ground running! I had everything almost planned thanks to some of my pharmacy friends who helped prepare me beforehand (admittedly they're using me as a guinea pig but that's OK, I'd be clueless without them anyway!). 

For the first prescription, we were to be assessed on a roleplay consultation with a 'doctor' (actually our tutor), and then our counselling roleplay with the 'patient'. I wanted to avoid doing the doctor roleplay with the same tutor as last time because she ripped me to shreds the last time! When I saw the list of people waiting to see the other tutors though, I just thought 'what the hell' to myself and went for it! I might as well prove her wrong or suffer trying!

Last time she complained me for dithering and waffling and not getting straight to the point. Well this time I went straight for it. I was talking faster than a speeding bullet since we only got five minutes, but I tried to explain everything I had prepared, and made my recommendations, and surprisingly the tutor stopped the timer and applauded me for improving remarkably! That definitely boosted my confidence a whole lot!

From then on the dispensing lab was a much more cheerful affair! I may not have been able to say everything I wanted for the counselling roleplay, but at least I dispensed both prescriptions in time! 

After that lab I'm feeling just a teeny bit more confident about becoming a pharmacist!

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