Thursday 4 March 2010

Injuries Galore!

Today I had my very first aseptic dispensing lab. It was an introductory lab which means it really should've been easy, but not for me!

Aseptic dispensing is where you have to completely gown up to make sure you don't contaminate your product, as you'll be making sterile products such as eye drops and injections which could be fatal if not made very well!

We first were taught how to properly wash our hands with the elbow operated taps. We had to keep our hands and arms vertical to allow for all the dirty water to run off the bottom, and we had to wash our hands in yellow soap for a minimum of two minutes!

Then we had to try putting on this blue gown without touching it too much, before gloving up! I managed all of that OK.

We were then introduced to some of the equipment we'll be using for these labs this semester, and some of the techniques required, such as how to attach a needle to a syringe, which needle to use for different situations, how to insert a needle into a vial and how to draw liquid into the syringe.

FIRST ACCIDENT: We were required to open a glass ampoule, which means we have to snap open the glass lid where the ampoule is at its most vulnerable (around its narrow neck). You should be able to simply do it with your fingers, but unfortunately for me as I was opening it, I must've squeezed the lid too tightly and crushed it as I broke it open!

I originally thought I was OK, till I saw a bit of blood in my glove. My tutor plastered my thumb and I continued on. I was then given my #1 'Accident/Incident Report Form'.

Plastered thumb!

I thought that would be the only accident till...

SECOND ACCIDENT: Not too long after, I attached a needle to the syringe and was attempting to remove the lid. I was certain I had already loosened it in the packaging before I unwrapped it, but I couldn't seem to get it off! Now you're supposed to use one hand to remove the lid, but I resorted to using my other hand and ended up jabbing the pinkie finger of my other hand with the needle!

Plastered pinkie
My glove started filling with blood and the tutor came back to plaster my pinkie finger. I put my glove on but the blood kept coming out! At this point I started to feel a little faint and just gave up on trying to remain clean and leaned over the bench as the tutor bandaged me up further and I tried not to fall over!

When I started to feel a little better, I was asked if I wanted to keep going, to which I said I probably should! I was handed my #2 'Accident/Incident Report Form' and I then tried to catch up to the others.

I don't think I was the same after those incidents! I was holding onto a glass vial when it slipped out of my hands and went flying across the bench!

The two Accident/Incident Report Forms
I was also wiping a pair of tweezers with some alcohol wipes and instead of throwing the alcohol wipes onto the ground with the rest of the rubbish I chucked the tweezers away!

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