Saturday 20 March 2010

Jennifer's 20th

Jennifer had a birthday party to celebrate her 20th birthday (well duuh Calum!) and so her theme was 'Cooking Mama', where everyone had to bring a plate of food to share. Us Anderson brothers can't cook of course... we're guys! Our mum did all the cooking, but we will learn...eventually!

After the morning music teaching and violin lessons, we went to West City to buy Jennifer a birthday present before we got home to prepare for the party.

The Facebook event said that the event started at 4pm, but when we arrived, the house looked quiet and empty with no cars around! We weren't too sure if we had arrived at the right time! We just decided to go in anyway. There were only a couple of Jennifer's friends there, Marco and Sarah, who we got to know a bit better. It turns out the party was actually starting at around 5pm!

We just sat around the table while Jennifer attempted to introduce us to them, but kept getting us mixed up! I kept having to remind her I was Calum! At least it helped them remember my name!

After a while, more people came and it was time to bring out the first dish! We tried each dish one at a time till there was so many people that all the dishes were just put on the table. As for our dishes...or should I say our mum's dishes, she cooked sausage rolls and some vegetables. The sausage rolls disappeared quickly!

We all just hung around and talked. I got to know this guy Alton, and also discovered that another of Jennifer's friends from engineering, Ying, had met me a year or two ago at one of the Kiwi Asian Club events! That was pretty cool!

After a while Jennifer got us all sorted into four mixed teams, and we started off with 'Oo La la, Tri-vi-ah!' which was a trivia competition between the teams. After one of our louder team mebers kept answering the questions wrongly our team lost this first round.

In the next rounds our team went head on with another team in this drinking game where two people from each team had to finish their cup of coke, only by drinking it through a straw with a hole in it. I don't think we won that!

In the next round we challenged another team in Jenga. The tower was almost collapsing when it was my turn! Fortunately I was able to pull out a piece and put it on top of the tower without it falling! The unlucky person who caused the tower to collapse was Nadine!

Our team then had two rounds of guess that song against two different teams. In the first round our team got slaughtered, mainly because one guy in the other team was able to name all the songs, both Chinese and English!

In the next round I had a bit more luck in getting in there quick, but I got a few wrong! I guessed a Michael Jackson song twice and got it wrong both times! I managed to redeem myself slightly by correctly guessing a Lion King song!

It was then time for the birthday cake! Each of Jennifer's different group of friends took photos with her and the cake before we all sang Happy Birthday to her and she cut the cake.

As we were enjoying her cake (I think the cream was taro flavour?), one of the guys chucked some of the cream at Jennifer! Aonghas, who was standing near by got caught in the crossfire and got a bit of cream on his t-shirt! What ensued was a cream fight!

Jennifer got changed and returned to start some drinking with some of the people!

By then Nadine, my brothers and I decided it was probably time to go as it was getting a little late. We all took a photo with Jennifer at the door and then it was bye-bye!

We didn't see Jennifer at church the next morning, but it sounds like she had a good time, and so did we!

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