Saturday 6 March 2010

The Easy Part's Over...

So finally the first week of uni was over. The first week is usually the best week since most lectures are just introductory lectures that always end early!

I got home late Sunday night from the Lantern Festival to find an email telling me about a Student Ambassador meeting the next morning at 7.00am at uni! That meant I had to wake up really early and go to uni once again. I was starting to regret putting my name down for extra shifts in the first week back at uni! But I suppose it's easy money...

I got to uni very early in the morning, and we had a short meeting in one of the rooms in the Clock Tower where Tara our supervisor pretty much told us that we could work whenever we wanted that week! Cool! I decided to work for an hour before heading off to Grafton for class till midday. Then I'd come back and work another couple of hours.

This time I was stationed in the Quad. I caught up with Alex and Gwen, two of my high school friends! I admit I was chatting on the job, but they left after a short while and I was back onto it!

It was not long though till I had to go off to class. I came back later in the day and stood inside the Information Commons waiting for anyone at all to ask me for help! I felt a little stupid at times when even I didn't know where some of the rooms were! Fortunately after I had found out where one room was, I was able to help the very next person who asked me for the same room!

It was quite cool being in the city because I got to catch up and see some of my friends who I haven't seen in ages, like Eliza, my ex-pharmacy friend!

It got a little boring after a while so I took a little walk through the Quad where all the club stalls were located, including our very own Dessert Club stall! I did sneak over to the Kiwi Asian Club stall to rejoin. I didn't realise I forgot to give them the money when I left, so embarrassingly I had to return to their stall to pay them the membership fee!

I did also join the Hong Kong Students Society since one of my fellow Help Desk One Student Ambassador friends was the vice-president of the club! It's been two years since I was last a member of that club!

I tried to help out with the Dessert Club stall whenever I could as well, but I always ended up just standing around not doing much. I suppose at least I got to meet the new committee member and know them better!

I was lucky in that I got Wednesday off uni! It's been ages since I had a day off uni!

I came in to uni anyway as there was a Dessert Club meeting later in the day, so I just hung around Grafton for most of the day.

I had a near miss on Thursday. After my disastrous aseptic dispensing lab which ran overtime, I got a text from my friend Natalie who asked me to meet her so I could go together with her to the workshop. I thought she wanted to just wait outside the room till the workshop started, as I thought it would start in half an hour. When I got down there though, everyone was already in the workshop and I realised it had started at 1pm, not 1.30pm! Fortunately I had a nice tutor that day who didn't seem to mind!

On Friday morning I met up with some Student Life guy (I think I filled out one of their forms) on the steps of the Clock Tower. Because I had been sitting there waiting for him, he just sat next to me and showed me this little booklet about becoming a Christian on the steps! I had already seen the booklet before but said nothing and just went along with it. When we got to the end of the booklet there was a 'suggested' prayer, and he asked if I wanted to do it then and there! I tried to man-up and just did it, despite the people walking by!

Unfortunately the week just had to end in a not so great way with my injuries in the aseptic dispensing lab, and then the dispensing lab today where we were completely caught out by surprise when we discovered it was actually assessed! We went in not knowing we were meant to be doing or how we'd be assessed! Apparently we had to dispense two prescriptions. 

The first one was based on a care plan we did in the workshop the day before and we had to actually make recommendations to the 'doctor' and fill out the blank prescription ourselves, before going to counsel the 'patient'. We were given only five minutes for both role-plays and were being assessed on both. I was ripped to shreds in the doctor roleplay! The tutor kept hurrying me along, telling me to stop dithering. At the end the tutor said I HAD to make a decision and by then I had lost confidence! 

I didn't even start on the second prescription!

We had a half hour session afterwards where you could definitely tell everyone was really annoyed! They were complaining to the tutor, to which the tutor responded

"It was our intention to throw you all off, but you did really well!"

Yeah right!

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