Thursday 1 January 2009

Happy New Year!!


Byebye 2008, hello 2009! May you all have a great and wonderful 2009 that is thousands of times more fun, prosperous and memorable than the year before!

With it goes another soso year and all those failed New Years' Resolutions! Here's how successful/unsuccessful I was with them last year:

1. To become close with another person or even closer with an existing friend (bonus points if its a female or if I find a girlfriend...need to add that in for the third year in a row haha)

SOMEWHAT SUCCESSFUL...I think I've become closer with a couple of girls like Mischa.

2. To resume studying, practising and speaking more Chinese (either Mandarin or Cantonese)

FAILED...Still no one wants to speak to me in Cantonese/Mandarin! OK some people at church try to but I'm sooo slow!

3. To find a part-time job - anything, as long as I can get some pay! If not, find some volunteer work to get something to add to my CV

FAILED...I still only have the recorder teaching job. I have been doing more around church but I don't think that's included!

4. Join a gym and do regular exercise, or if not, do regular exercise at home, at least 20 minutes a week

FAILED...While I did get exercise by having to walk all the way from the K' Road bus stop to the Grafton campus, as well as having to walk up that steep hill in Albert Park, there was little else that gave me exercise and I didn't end up joining a gym

5. To get nothing less than A- in ALL my papers for whichever degree I end up doing (yep I've set standards higher, thanks for the pep-talk Alice! We shall prevail!!)

FAILED...Let's just say only a few were A-!

6. Take more video than photos but continue to try take 5 photos a week

FAILED...With a phone that takes horrendous videos I'm still stuck with taking photos. Don't think it has even 5 photos a week either!

7. To keep in touch with all my existing friends

Somewhat SUCCESS/FAIL Can't exactly tell. I've kept in touch with a few of my friends but with others they've stopped talking to me or just don't talk to me too much anymore!

8. To get the right balance between studying and socialising

FAILED...still don't have a life haha although I managed to hang out with people from time to time

9. To get more involved with at least one club (possibly moving up the ranks or networking with the right people!) and participate more in activities of clubs I join

SUCCESSI joined the Dessert Club Committee this year and will hopefully take on some extra responsibility next year...will keep you posted!

10. To spend LESS!

FAILED...I had been succeeding till the last week of these holidays when I went and bought a TV!

== Calum's 2009 New Years' Resolutions

1. Find a girlfriend (let's make it fourth year in a row!)
2. Make at least one/two new close friends (better if they're female!)
2. Join the university gym and finally get abs and become buff!
3. To spend less on food
4. To get a change of hairstyle and get rid of my pimples
5. To sort out my computer files, buy a hard drive and back up all the stuff (oh and reformat my laptop)
6. To get a part-time job in the holidays (bonus if it's pharmacy-related)
7. To memorise the Korean alphabet and learn a few words and phrases, as well as speaking more Chinese (both Mandarin and Cantonese)
8. To sleep earlier (preferably before midnight)
9. To keep in touch with friends, find the time to catch up and hang out with them
10. To do more regular music practice and prepare for a music theory exam, whichever grade I can manage

And that makes 10, some resolutions the same and some pretty random! Hopefully they're a bit more achievable!  I'll see you here again same place this time next year!

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