Wednesday 31 December 2008

Year in Review

And here's the usual Year In Review - the first sentence of the first post of each month along with my highlights of the month. I actually discovered some of my blog posts are missing from Windows Live Spaces! Shame on them! Thank goodness for Blogger!


'Another year has just started! May it be a great year for you all, and an even more prosperous and special year than 2007 ever was!'

- Set off fireworks outside Sarena's house, nearly hit some cars
- Aonghas and I try jazzing up the car
- Watch National Treasure 2 with Chen and the girls and play a bit of squash
- Hamish and I chill out in the park with Megan and her friends
- My suggestion of 'The Burger Burger' makes the honorable mentions list for the new McDonald's burger!
- Our youth group is born
- Boring birthday - get an electric toothbrush from the mother


'Yesterday Hamish had a job interview in the city, and so I went in with him too as I was going to catch up with my really good friend Diane, who I haven't seen in over half a year.'

- Have the annual catch-up with Diane going shopping
- Decide to study pharmacy
- Festival month - Chinese new year festivals galore, and also Air NZ Open Day at the airport
- Get my restricted license!
- Perform at a rest home
- Go away on pharmacy camp for three days, where I get tossed in the pool but meet some really cool guys and girls!


'Those looking for pharmacy camp photos can find them here under photos or at Flickr (larger size). Enjoy!!'

- Orientation Day and uni starts
- RIP Hayden Adams
- My first task as Dessert Club Committee member - running the orientation sign-up stall
- Rangeview classrooms catch on fire


'After nearly two weeks of absence, I'm finally back with a lot to catch up on! I've had quite a few assignments and lab reports to complete and have been soooo tired!'

- Our youth group goes out for yum-cha and shame ourselves in Cornwall Park
- Mid-term tests!! PHARMACY101 mixes up our rooms
- Watch my friend Eliza perform with the Auckland Youth Symphony
- Aonghas heads off to Atlanta, USA
- I get hypnotised at a hypnosis show
- We hand in our accordion championship entries after the deadline!
- Protesters take over Grafton
- Pharmacy dinners! I get to go to both first and second year dinner


'I was in the chemistry lab today when my phone started vibrating for about a minute in my pocket, which meant someone was trying to ring me.'

- Attend Rhea's birthday dinner at the flash Sky City restaurant
- Horrible horrible CHEM240 test!
- I feed some hungry homeless people some oranges!


'Since it was the fifth Friday of the month it was supposed to be the night we celebrated people's birthdays in the past couple of months at youth group, but we spent the first half designing our noticeboard thingy for the church foyer.'

- We have a youth group 'drag' race...back to church from ...The Warehouse
- Accordion competitions don't turn out so badly, but still aren't that great
- Aonghas and the Rutherford College choir perform at The Big Sing
- Exams and then the semester is all over!


'The holidays have just started and already I've nothing to do, but hey I'm not complaining! After twelve weeks of constant uni, boring is just what I need!'

- Woops slip over in the shower!
- Iphone is released - BOOOO to Vodafone!
- Spend a week at the Tamaki Campus for Maori Health Week
- High-speed drug-making begins!


'Thursday night was Dessert Night!! It was the first KiwiAsian Club event I've attended this year as I thought I better attend at least one event before their next AGM! It was an interesting experience...'

- I attend my first KiwiAsian Club event for the year - Dessert Night!
- Get a Facebook warning for apparently violating their Terms of Use :S
- We have a bit of a Rutherford reunion dinner
- Get barred from borrowing books from the uni library!
- Olympics gets underway


'I just got a random phone call from someone. I originally thought it was my neighbour but I'm starting to have doubts now.'

Buy a new laptop
- Recorder students go crazy
- Our church's minister goes in for brain surgery after collapsing at church
- Our youth group attends some talk at another church in the city, get hugged by an emo
- Have to help out with Dessert Club's Amazing Race
- Make suppositories for the very first time!


'Two weeks since the last post this must be the longest I've been away from blogging and I admit to procrastinating as well, thinking to myself well...I'll post something tomorrow... Although I do have a good excuse for the past couple of weeks - my two assignments!'

- Have a catch-up with Rhea before she leaves for Australia
- Steven and I complete our formulation assignment, name our new drug 'Paediatric PP'
- Semi-sprain ankle when I trip down stairs in lecture theatre
- Pharmacy formal dinner - catch a bus to get there (wearing a suit)
- Attend Jacqueline's birthday get-together at Mission Bay
- Help out with Dessert Club's Ice-Cream Eating Competition


'We finally bought a cello, abeit a very cheap one off Trade Me! Sure it's made in China and probably basic quality, but hey at least it does the job and it's not like any of us are professional cellists anyway!'

- Finally buy a cello!
- Have a horrible community pharmacy placement that puts me off becoming a pharmacist
- Parents and Hamish go down to Christchurch for a week. Aonghas and I are home alone
- Our youth group goes bowling and laser-forcing. We 'drag' race back home
- Labour loses the election (that's how National won it!)
- Semester two finally finishes. I hang out with Young-Bin and Eliza during study period
- I go into hospital to get photos, x-rays and the whole shebang done.
- Eliza takes me to Auckland Symphony Orchestra concert


'Besides having his [Aonghas] chemistry exam on that day, he had a happy day going out to lunch with his friends after the exam and got a few presents from them.'

- I spend most of beginning of holidays finding Christmas music for church concert
- We have Sunday School barbeque at Jennifer's
- It's our end-of-year music school concert and my recorder students do me proud!
- My brothers and I perform with the Auckland Symphony Orchestra at their Christmas concert
- I help out with pharmacy interviews, chatting up the guys and girls before their interview
- My surgery gets delayed again!
- RIP Fridge
- A group of us from church go caroling at Waitakere Hospital and outside various Chinese grocery shops
- Our string group performs at church Christmas Eve concert and at Christmas service
- We spend Christmas morning playing cards in back room during service
- Boxing Day sales!!!
- Catch up with a few friends at Alex's birthday gathering

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