Sunday 28 December 2008

Celebrating Christmas

We started our Christmas celebrations on Christmas Eve with a concert in the evening in which my brothers, Jenny and Jireh from our youth group and I performed as a string group. We performed five pieces - Jesu Joy of Our Desiring, Deck the Halls, Hark! The Herald Angels Sing, Hallelujah Chorus and We Wish You a Merry Christmas. We were somewherei in the middle of the concert so we prepared in the library and sat there and mucked around until it was our turn to sing with the carolling group and then perform as the string group.

Our string group performance went not too badly! We didn't screw up and we got through without a hitch! Too bad the little kids were running around making noises and crying though!

We also got our Secret Santa presents. I ended up getting this Rubix Cube game thing, while Aonghas got a High School Musical 3 soundtrack (there's a story behind it - Aonghas came up with the High School Musical theme for our youth group's board) and Hamish got this calendar thing.

Prior to that concert we had rushed around dropping off presents to family friends and went over to farewell Chen who was leaving for Australia early the next morning. Aonghas and I turned up at the door in our black uniform and Chen's mum asked if we were going partying!

Earlier that morning of Christmas Eve it was finally the day we decided to replace our TV! We've been living off a 21" TV for the past year after our 29" blew on us. We went all the way to Manukau City to buy this LCD TV and got this salesperson who was pushing us to buy another brand which was at a higher price. The only thing was I only had enough for the one we had in mind so we stuck to our guns and got the one we came for!

We got home, bought ourselves a Freeview box and went about connecting everything together. I have to say HD is amazing! You notice the camera movement so much more and the picture is extremely clear! I'm a little concerned at how some tickers (especially TVNZ News) is occasionally blurry though. For some reason BBC News' news ticker isn't too blurry though.

With Freeview we seem to be watching TVNZ7 quite a lot, especially its news every hour and some of the interesting documentaries they have on. Admittedly some of the news headlines on their news ticker are useless/pointless and a lot of the news is repeated but with no other TV news alternative it'll have to do for now. On the other hand I haven't come across anything too interesting on TVNZ6 (the other Freeview-exclusive channel). I did come across Bumble and remembered reading that Jason Gunn does Bumble's voice. Now that just puts you off Bumble doesn't it!

On the night of Christmas Eve I was busy writing Christmas emails and watching Christmas movies when Christmas Day came along.

The next morning we had our Christmas church service. We woke up late and rushed to church a few minutes before it started! It was a combined service with the other churches so it was a lot more packed than usual. Our string gruop was due to perform at the beginning and the end of the service. We managed to perform without a hitch and then left the hall for the backroom.

Once we got to the backroom after our performance we didn't really have much to do while waiting for the service to end but to play cards! We had a few rounds of various card games before going outside and watching the guys play around with the tractor. We went back inside to build card towers...yes that's how we spent our Christmas morning!

The service lasted over two hours thanks to all the baptisms going on as well. Finally we performed right at the end of the service. Everyone remained seated to hear us play Hallelujah, which we nearly stuffed up when Hamish got ahead of time! Fortunately we all regained our places and finished together. We began We Wish You A Merry Christmas and that's when everyone just upped and left! The service must've been too long for them to sit any longer!

For the rest of Christmas Day we were sitting at home finding something to watch on ad-free TV. Sadly this year Christmas TV was really poor! I decided to use my time sending the remaining Christmas emails/texts. We ended up playing with my Rubix cube and watching The Simpsons Movie while starving (since our mum forgot to go shopping for food the night before!). Our parents had gone over to the neighbours to give them a present. We watched Home Alone 2: Lost in New York which was our first time watching something in HD! It was cool watching the movie for the first time in a while. You notice things you didn't when you watched it as a little kid.

The other television highlight of the night was Love Actually, one of my (and TV One Breakfast's Paul Henry's) favourite Christmas movies! Once again it didn't fail to disappoint! I really enjoyed the soundtrack music too! Sadly I didn't watch Notting Hill the night before, which is apparently better than Love Actually!

So that was pretty much our Christmas, spending half the day at church playing cards and then the other half of the day watching TV!

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