Monday 26 January 2009

Happy New Year!! v2.0


The ASB Lunar Festival took place on Saturday at the TelstraClear Pacific Events Centre in Manukau and we went just an hour before the fireworks took place. It wasn't as great as the festival at the showgrounds a week earlier as there weren't as many stalls and there wasn't as much space. This resulted in all these Asians (with a few Pakehas thrown in) squished together pushing and shoving!
ASB were incredibly cheap. They gave everyone who walked in a red envelope with a flyer advertising their services in it along with 10c! At least Skycity used to give people 20c and that company at the showgrounds the week before gave 1 Yuan! But hey we're in the middle of tough economic times...

We had a quick look up and down the aisles but most of the stalls were selling food. We then realised we had lost our mum and Hamish! My dad, Aonghas and I ended up searching all the aisles trying to look for them. While I was at it, there was this stall advocating reducing global warming with two young girls calling out asking people to try win a prize by naming five ways to reduce global warming. I thought I'd give it a go. I listed 1) biofuels (yep that was right!), 2) killing cows (nope...but come on cows release gas!! I learnt that in BIOSCI!!)...then I got stuck. So I went to get Aonghas and showed him the flyer they gave us that I wasn't allowed to have a look at because the answers were there which are:
1) Go veg!
2) Use biofuels/hybrid vehicles
3) Reduce deforestation
4) Something....
5) Pray!

 Aonghas memorised them and then we went back to the stall. By now they reduced the number of ways to three. He said to them

"Go veg, biofuels and pray!!"

The girls looked stunned! They declared us the winners and gave us the prize, a couple handfuls of lollies and a mug! Yay for us!

We continued the search for our mum and Hamish. We ended up going around three times before we finally got through to Hamish on his cellphone, who told us they had been looking at the stalls outside. We caught up with them and by then it was time for fireworks.

It was funny, everyone was oo'ing and waaa'ing at each explosion. The fireworks lasted for about 10 minutes before we made a dash for the car to beat the traffic. We met another family from our church who let us into the line which was good, or else we'd be waiting all night!
The following morning we had a special Chinese New Year banquet at our church which was nice. There was much more variety in food than previous church shared lunches.
To round off the Chinese New Year celebrations for the weekend, we stayed up to watch the CCTV Spring Festival Gala broadcast on Triangle TV at 1am. The performances were spectacular, but I didn't understand the skits (they were all in Chinese!), so I thought I'd just try read Twilight in between. Unfortunately the feed started to deteriorate and I started to fall asleep. That's when I decided to head to bed!

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