Wednesday 14 January 2009

A Long-awaited Catch-Up

On Friday I finally got to see one of my best friends for the first time in almost a year! Every holidays when Diane comes back up from Palmerston North where she studies vet down there we say that we're going to catch up but she always ends up being too busy, and it was looking like the same thing would be happening again these holidays as she had to work most of the holidays till she was going to China. Fortunately though she was able to get off work last Friday which was supposed to be her last day at work.

Unfortunately though Chen and Aonghas were originally going to join us but because they were hanging out with some other high school friends that day so they couldn't hang out with us (actually I was going to hang out with them too but decided to hang out with Diane instead since this opportunity doesn't come that often!).

I caught the bus into the city with Chen, Aonghas and a few others who had caught it at an earlier bus stop. I happened to meet Zahir, another high school friend, at my bus stop as well, so the bus was filled with ex-Rutherford guys!

I got off and went to Sky City Metro where I was going to meet up with Diane to watch 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button'. Before I did though I quickly wrote a birthday card for her. The day before, after I dropped Aonghas off at work I went to buy Diane a birthday present. It was all a bit rushed and I wasn't able to put as much thought as I would've liked into it, but in the end just bought a necklace. I came out of Aonghas's shop after showing it to him, when my mum came by! I was originally going to keep it a secret from her because she likes asking heaps of questions, but because she already saw, I ended up just coming clean with her. She gave me hell for it for the rest of the night, asking why I was buying necklaces for girls!!

Anyway I originally thought I beat Diane to the cinemas but it turns out she was originally waiting for me in the foyer!! We talked for a little while before we bought food and went in. We were expecting a lot more people to come into the cinema but in the end there was only one couple at the back and us two! As for the movie, I was a little concerned that at slightly over two and a half hours it would be too long, but it was pretty cool and the idea was quite original! You should go see it!

After the movie, Diane and I tried finding the pool place behind the Town Hall, but after realising I had no idea where it was we ended up walking all the way to the one opposite Sky City and played for a couple hours. I hate to admit it but she wasted me! She ended up winning about 8 games to my 3!

We were in the middle of one game when I noticed this big group of people come in off the street. Oh was Aonghas and all the group! I'm sure they saw me as when they walked past they were smiling at me and Angie had a little chat with me!

We finished our second hour not too long after they arrived and we left and just wandered around checking out various shops. It was a bit weird walking into some women's clothes (and other...stuff) shops but I tried to show interest ;)

Somehow time flew by and it reached 5pm when Diane had to catch her bus home. I finally took out the card and present I had kept in my pocket during the whole day and gave it to her just before she got on the bus. We hugged and she left.

That's when I walked all the way back down Queen St and joined Aonghas and the group who were at a karaoke place. That was quite fun! We sang a few songs and danced around the place.

I got a lot of funny looks and comments from the people when I joined them! After when we were walking to the bus Angie asked me

"So how was your date?"

I tried to downplay it by replying

"Oh you mean how was my day?"

They must've thought I was on a date, which it wasn't!!

Anyway it was a pretty cool day, I got to see Diane again before she left for China this morning. It's going to be a little weird not being able to text her for the next month but I'm sure I'll have other people to text and other things to focus on!

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