Wednesday 28 May 2008

Could do More

I finally did something I've had on my 'to do' list for a long time - give money and food to a homeless person! At the end of the day I was sitting on a bench down Queen Street finishing off my lunch when this girl came up to me asking if I had any spare change, just 20c or something like that because she was homeless and wanted to buy food as she was really hungry. At first I was a little hesitant but I knew I didn't have that much money in my wallet anyway so I decided to have a look. I had half an orange left in my lunchbox as well which I offered to her, half expecting her to want it as I thought she would be more interested in money, but she accepted it and ate it! I had a look in my wallet and could only find 30c but she said that'd be good enough so I gave it to her and not long after she thanked me and I asked her if she was sure it was enough she wandered back to some other people sitting on the steps outside McDonald's.

I was having a moment and that event really did open my eyes and realise that other people have things a lot worse than I do and so I should be grateful! What made me feel a little bad though was as I walked off I started thinking to myself that I really should have offered to buy them some food or something, even from McDonald's! I would've liked to get to know them and their story - how they got where they are and how they're coping. Arrh well I might run into them again one day...One thing that was questionable though was that the girl's clothes weren't that shabby, but I'll give her the benefit of the doubt and accept the possibility that it's acceptable for homeless to be wearing clean clothes!

I guess the only other highlight of the day was that I was walking up the stairs in the Information Commons on my way to the chemistry lecture when I felt someone tugging or hitting my school bag. I turned around to find it was Angie! She was on her way to hand in her statistics assignment. We were heading in the same direction so we had a bit of a chat on our way there. It turns out she goes with her friend to the church across the road that is based at the stadium! What a traitor! Nah that's OK different churches work for different people I suppose! I tried to urge her to come back once in a while though!

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