Wednesday 21 May 2008

On the Same Level

I had only one lecture all Tuesday, from 8-9am and then that was it for the rest of the day! My bus came late so I ended up missing that lecture and instead went to the library to study. The problem was that I kept dozing off! Actually the day before one of my friends commented that it's possible that I've fallen asleep even for a little bit in every lecture this semester, which is not something to be proud of!

Anyway I managed to do some study till midday when I decided to go have some lunch at the business school which would be a lot warmer than eating and studying over at Albert Park. Before then though I thought I'd go to the university bookshop and see how much it cost to buy a copy of one of the Acts (not Bible Acts but acts like Employment Relations Act etc) that I could read for leisure. I could just print it off the internet but that would be too lazy. After seeing the price at the bookshop though I got put off a bit! It's sooo expensive! Maybe I'll print my own copy off afterall!

I went to the business school and sat down to eat when my name was called out from a distance and it was Gwen and Angie! I went over, and Gwen ditched me! So I ended up catching up with Angie for a little while (which was the first time I had done so since the second week of the semester) before she had to go off to her exciting European Studies lecture and Gwen rejoined me. Zahir and Alex were at another table but had to go off to a lecture...or somewhere...and so Gwen and I just talked for a while before Zahir and Alex came back later on.

It was really cool hanging out with the guys (and girls) again, just making jokes about random stuff and laughing about little things. There was no pharmacy or medsci talk at all, which meant I didn't have to feel dumb for once!!

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