Sunday 25 May 2008

Almost Barred

I've now accumulated $9.55 worth of fines with the university library, that's 45c away from being blocked from borrowing any library books! I'm going to have to be more aware of library book due dates from now on in order to avoid paying off any of my fines!

So since last time, we got our marks back for the CHEM mid-term test (this paper is apparently one of the hardest!). We were told that we'd get our marks back on Wednesday but we didn't get them back till Thursday night. That night I was sitting near the computer constantly refreshing the page just in case they did come up! Well it turns out we didn't do toooo well. Our class average was about 43% with the adjusted average still being below 50% at about 48%! I was fearing for the worst when I first saw that but fortunately I passed!

Now onto the budget! No surprises there. The main thing that affects me is the slight increase (that's if you consider a $5 increase a slight increase) in my student allowance but besides that...I can't wait to see how John Key responds now though with the larger tax cuts he claims is possible. For those of you living outside of NZ, Finance Minister Michael Cullen pretty much spent everything rather than leave a huge surplus like in previous years. One could say that it's a move to catch John Key out and make it harder for him to try promise larger tax cuts without having to cut services. Mr Key still claims it is possible but won't give us any details on their tax policy. No surprise there...

As you could see in the video in my previous post the budget didn't cause much hype around me in the computer science room. I probably looked like a dork watching the goings-on in parliament on the computer while frantically getting my chemistry lab report done (which I completed just in time!).

There's only two weeks till exams now though so it's all about study study study which you could say is pretty depressing!

There's only two weeks till exams now though so it's all about study study study which you could say is pretty depressing! On Friday I finally got round to sitting the DELNA test which all new uni students have to sit to test their English ability. I was probably meant to do it last year but they didn't really force us to in Health Science. It was sorta sobering in a way as I have been teasing my first year friends for having to wast their time sitting it! It actually wasn't as bad and scary as everyone made it out to be!

Speaking of Health Science, earlier that same day one of my pharmacy friends asked me if I could proof-read his friend's assignment before he had to hand it in later that day. When I started reading it I realised it was a Population Health assignment for Health Science!! Boy that brought back many memories! I have to admit while reading through it I started to genuinely miss Health Science...slightly!

One bright moment this weekend was after one of my recorder classes when the mother of one of my students who was sitting in on the lesson told me how she thought the worksheets I gave out were great with all the pictures on them and everything (credit goes to the former recorder teacher who designed all the worksheets and passed them on to me!). What was equally cool though was she asked me if there were any schools around that were teaching Chinese, and one of my students said his mum taught Chinese and so she went to talk to her. It's great to see people of other ethnicities taking an interest in the Chinese language! (I think they were Maori or Pacific Island?)

My new class is great too! I have two Korean kids in the class and they not only remembered everything I had taught them last week but they had done their homework and followed everything I said! Oh...and they laughed at my lame jokes! What more could you want!

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