Friday 9 May 2008

Brief Calmness

I'm proud to announce I am healthy enough to become a health-care worker! Last week I got a blood test taken from one arm and a mantoux test done in the other arm. That meant two needle injections! The mantoux test was to test for tuberculosis, while the blood test was to see if I had been vaccinated or had enough antibodies to defend my body against measles, mumps, hepatitis and rubella. I got the all clear yesterday and so I thankfully didn't need any injections!

We had the worst test on Wednesday morning for chemistry. Even though we were allowed to bring a cheat sheet in with us (allowed to write anything at all on both sides of a single A4 piece of paper) it wasn't any help as most of us didn't finish in time, so now we're all dreading getting less than 50%! Apparently CHEM240 is one of the hardest papers in all of pharmacy. I jolly well hope so or else I'll be screwed next year and the year after!

I've completed all my tests for now...until the exams that is. In between though I've got all these assignments that keep coming! As soon as the chemistry test was over I had to get started on my chemistry lap report which was due the following day! I ended up spending most of yesterday working on it and ended up hanging out in the chemistry computer lab waiting for my friend to finish his (as I finished mine a little earlier) which went right up till the due date. During then though I ended up talking to Jade, this other pharmacy girl who I first met several years ago during this half day workplace experience thing at this law firm. It's funny how we still remember things from way back then! She asked me how I did in Chinese scholarship, something I must've told her which I had completely forgotten!

And now for the story of the psycho bus passenger:

My friend and I were catching the Link bus up to Grafton. The bus driver was driving the bus pretty fast but nothing out of the ordinary. That's when some lady sitting behind us (by herself as well...does that say anything??) called out to the bus driver

"Are you driving a race car?"

The bus driver gave some diplomatic reply, when the lady then repeated her question. The bus driver's wry response was

"I'm trying to keep to schedule"

which drew a few chuckles from the rest of us passengers. The lady then murmured to herself, before she got off at the next stop, but not without a parting shot:

"You know...the speed limit is 50km!"

That's when she drew a response from one of the male passengers who called out to her as she got off:

"He was below it you silly tart"

He probably spoke for the rest of us passengers who were ashamed of this lady!

And you thought everyone complained about buses not being on time???

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