Sunday 18 May 2008

Gone Going

I walked past a $10 note on the ground yesterday at uni and while I was tempted to pick it up I didn't!! There were people around and I was thinking someone who would see me pick it up would probably think I was stealing or being dishonest or something, but then again someone else would have probably come along and picked it up soon after I walked past it!

I've caught a cold and so it's been hell lately, having to deal with a runny nose, a cough and a sore throat! Yesterday it wasn't only my nose that was dribbling, but for some reason I started dribbling while falling asleep on the bus! Fortunately I woke up as soon as that happened and tried to cover it up before anyone noticed!

I caught up with Chen and Andrew, two friends from Rutherford yesterday afternoon. That was just before we all had to go to our own chemistry lectures/labs. Funny that..

Since wagging all my classes on Wednesday, I've attended every single class since that day, even though I probably haven't learnt much from them! Some of the lecture theatres are only three quarters full, especially in the 8am classes!

We had this pharmacy lab where we were using this instrument to determine the surface tension of a liquid. Because there was only one instrument and twelve people in our group, we all stood around for three hours doing nothing much. Our tutor was just hanging around with us and I asked her if we'd have to use this instrument once we're working in a pharmacy and she said we would really only need to use it if we worked in some pharmaceutical company, but then again it's done by machines and computers these days! I asked when we'd ever need to use this instrument, and she said maybe if we were doing research and were too poor to afford machines!

These past few mornings have been extremely foggy! You can hardly see beyond 200m at most! It was like that again yesterday morning on my way to music lessons.

Speaking of music lessons, I had two new students yesterday morning. They're both Korean and are occupying the half hour gap that used to be my break, which means I'll be teaching for two and a half hours every Saturday morning now. What is good though is that they're slightly older than my other beginning students and so they were able to pick things up a lot faster than my other beginners. I was trying to teach one of my beginners class how to read a few musical notes, and I gave them a worksheet which even had the notes at the top of the sheet as a guide. I had one of my students telling me he didn't know how to spell!!

We had our second to last accordion lesson before the national championships in a couple of weekends. I don't think our teacher is too confident about our chances of success! I wouldn't be either! I'm playing in the top class this year which will probably mean I'll be up against a few Chinese people as well as some other top NZ accordionists, and at the moment I'm not playing my pieces too great. I don't even think my programme will be long enough, and so I'm relying on this second movement of a Mozart sonata to make my programme long enough (it's 8 minutes long with repeats. If the audience falls asleep I'll have done my job:D ) Our main chance of winning this year will be our trio. Hopefully we can extend our winning streak in the trio classes!

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