Tuesday 3 June 2008

Car Chase!

Since it was the fifth Friday of the month it was supposed to be the night we celebrated people's birthdays in the past couple of months at youth group, but we spent the first half designing our noticeboard thingy for the church foyer. They have a noticeboard for each of the different groups on the wall and we still don't have one, so we've got to put something together! We had two groups working on two different designs. Aonghas and I, along with a few others were in one group and ours was a mock of the High School Musical poster (which Aonghas came up with!) while the others were working on something spaceship-related...although I did hear someone mention something about cutting out pictures from Farmers mailers....talk about cheap! haha
Once we finalised our designs we got to go down to The Warehouse (because one of the youth group leaders works for The Warehouse....higher up the food chain that is!). Aonghas, Hamish and I went in our own car while the others carpooled in other cars and we got to the Lincoln store only to find it locked up and staff vaccuuming! They were probably thinking what are all these Asians doing turning up to the store now once it's closed!
Next attempt: West City Warehouse! We got there, spent some time looking around but didn't really find any materials that suited us so we just mucked around a bit while the other group went on a spending spree. When it was finally time to go, that's when the excitement started. I jokingly challenged the minister's son, who was going in another car driven by one of the church pastors/missionaries, to a race back to the church, and he accepted! So I quickly jumped in, thinking it would be a not-too-serious thing, and we left first. They were following us for most of the time until we got the round-about where they turned right and we turned left, which was stupid because that would be the longer way, plus we had to pass the police station which meant NO SPEEDING!!! So despite some erratic driving at times Aonghas had to keep it pretty legit! We got to the church to find that the other car had just pulled into the carpark ahead of us. As soon as we parked we got out quickly and thought that was the end of it, until the minister's son started sprinting into the church! I thought what they hey time for a chase! and started sprinting after him! But....he pipped me and got to the room just before me! 
What we found out later though was that the pastor/missionary who was driving the other car had been doing 80km/hr just to try beat us! We never thought he would have taken the challenge seriously too!

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