Saturday 7 June 2008

Semester One Nearing the End

Finally all our lectures and workshops have finished for semester one! No more CHEM240 lab reports! Yesterday our lectures were pretty much a waste of time as they were all review lectures. In our chemistry lecture in the morning, the lecturer asked if there were any questions, and after several minutes of silence, someone raised their hand and asked

"Can you tell us how to make things explode?"

The lecturer went on to tell us a little about making rockets and how she did it with her child without going too much into the specifics. She asked for more questions and got

"Can you put up instructions on CECIL?"

That's how pointless the lecture was! Why did I even bother going to uni then? Well we had to finish off semester one with a pharmacy test! It wasn't as bad as the first one earlier in the semester but my test booklet was stapled on the wrong side so I kept getting confused about which way I was going and where the questions were!

So anyway it's the homestretch now, just study study study! I tried doing quite a bit after the test yesterday which involved looking for kiddy animations to help me understand stuff. Haha oh how dumb can I get!

This week I've had to spend quite a bit of time working on this pharmacist profile assignment where I have to interview a pharmacist and write up a profile on them. I did this lady at church and initially I was going to interview her at church but then she asked if she could just email the answers to me. I then ended up having an hour long conversation over the phone which was really good! I finished my profile in time and the next day I was sitting in Albert Park eating my lunch when I thought I might just double-check to see that I have my assignment. Thats when I found I had the wrong version of it! My mum had switched my assignments! I had to quickly catch a bus home to grab it and then my dad took me to Grafton just in time for my last lecture for the day. When I went to hand it in though, I saw that everyone else had just typed theirs as an essay while I designed mine on Photoshop to try make it look like some magazine article! Hopefully I haven't done things too wrong!

So just ajst to finish off the semester, here's a yay for:

- how well-mannered some of the homeless guys on the street are! They call you sir when they ask you for money!! I would've given some to one guy who asked me but all I had was my Eftpos card and I....sorta need that!!

- more and better lighting at Albert Park, there'll be less chance of me being raped at night! (hopefully!!)

- cool bus drivers who are friendly to you!!

And a BOOOOO for:

- those people who walk up to the intersection and stand there beside you waiting for the walk sign, and then decide to light up, not giving a rat's behind that all their cigarette smoke is blowing right into your face!

- Craccum which, while having a few articles of interest, has been very underwhelming this semester. For a start what happened to High Horse Rodeo on the back page?! Motor-racing and (while I don't mind this) technology-related articles are over-represented, along with articles on politics. We need some humour in it too!

- Borrowing a library book and just getting into it when it gets recalled! You put the effort into trying to find another available copy of it to borrow, only to have it recalled once again!

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