Tuesday 10 June 2008

Big Sing

I took a little break from studying yesterday to go travel in to the city to watch a big of the Big Sing Auckland Schools Choral Festival, mainly because my brother was singing as part of his school's choir. I managed to get there in time to sit through the whole session which lasted about an hour. There were only a few school choirs during the session, including Selwyn College, Diocesan (Senior choir I think) and Rutherford.

While Diocesan was quite good (as expected!), Rutherford didn't sound too bad! They looked better in one colour as well, compared to some juniors wearing that lighter blue in past years. And boy has the choir grown since I was in it! I'm sure it has at least tripled in size!

If only the school orchestra experienced similar fortune, then they would be able to perform at the KBB Schools Festival and show those Westlake schools how to do it! (hahahaha...yeah sure.....) Right now they don't even have one! Aonghas is trying to re-establish one though, so hopefully they get something going!

After the performance there was some China thing going on outside at Aotea Square where these Chinese people were taking photos of random people and sticking their photos onto a large map of China on a giant board. I took a photo together with Aonghas and two of his friends Rose and Caragh, and we got our photo put around Hong Kong! <3 Hong Kong!!

Anyway here are their performances:

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