Sunday 29 June 2008

For Today

I've just come back from Rutherford's school production 'For Today', which is a musical based in New Zealand with New Zealand music and similar to High School Musical. Yeah when I first heard that too I cringed as well, and the more Aonghas talked about it the more weary I was of seeing the production, but it actually turned out to be pretty good! Oh and for you guys who think I'm still too attached to my old school, believe me this was the first time I had been back at Rutherford this year! Yep pharmacy sure does occupy a lot of your time! My excuse for going to see this production as well is also because Aonghas was playing the trumpet in the bad ;)

The main leads were Janet and Ganin (for those who know them!) and they were quite good. I have to say compared to a few other schools' musicals I've seen lately (won't mention any names....) at least these guys could sing in tune! The storyline too wasn't that cheesy and at least was not an exact rip-off of High School Musical.

And as for the they were pretty good! They had a maths teacher who has his own electronic saxophone (even though it looks more like a clarinet!). The group wasn't too big but they definitely sounded cohesive! I had front row seats but I had to spend the entire time behind a camera filming close-ups of people on stage for Aonghas! By the end of the I had sore legs and a back from constantly sitting too far forward and leaning forward during the production!

It sure does bring back memories of past productions at school and being involved in them, especially the Wizard of Oz that I did a bit of a time back with all the cool guys (I was the lion!) Sadly no one filmed that production so we don't have any footage of that, just photos! I caught up with Troy and Christine, who went to Rutherford last year and were heavily involved in performing arts then, and they were wishing they could just jump on stage and join in!

But anyway, as for the rest of the day, one of my recorder students is leaving for Taiwan which is sad. He was probably my most advanced student this year! He's also in my youth group at church and so we had a bit of a shared supper/meal thing for him as a farewell on Friday night at youth group.

This is just the new promotional video that Aonghas and his friend Carey produced for the school, that I had to spend one night staying up to burn onto 200 DVD's (thank goodness we had four burners though which saved some time!) for him before they went to intermediate schools. They had this evening at Rangeview Intermediate where each of the high schools had to set up stalls in the gym to promote themselves (looks like more schools are doing this...I know Bruce McLaren Intermediate did it back when I was at school) and so they tried jazzing up their stall to outdo the other schools! I'm not too sure how they went but Aonghas took our stereo system and LCD monitor and they turned the sound up on the looping promo video so I'm sure they must've driven the other schools crazy!

(I did the music for it ;) I didn't play any of it as you Apple people probably have already realised!!)

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