Friday 27 June 2008

And it's all over

Finally the looong exam period is over! I've had five exams spread out across the past three weeks and I have to say these past three weeks have been prit-tee depressing, going by the way I've been performing in my exams. No results yet, but I know they won't be great and would be happy with any pass mark!
My first exam was for a first year paper way back a few Thursdays ago, which probably will be the best one I'll do in...and yes I know it's a first year paper. That's probably why I'll do a lot better in it than the second year papers! That night after my first exam my youth group went on board this visiting ship the 'Doulos', which is part of this worldwide Christian organisation that spreads the word or...something like that...I was planning on doing as much cramming for the next day's exam and then join my youth group to visit this ship at night.
I probably shouldn't have gone but oh good thing about going onto the ship was we caught up with this lady who used to teach us way back in primary school! She led this after-school group that we were a part of. We were watching this show on board the ship when at the end she came up to make a few announcements. I thought she looked familiar, and when she mentioned her name I was sure it was her! After the show we went over to say hi to her and it turns out it was her! She didn't recognise us at first but I think...or hope...she came round a little later...
As for my second exam...badbadbad...I only had a weekend before my third exam which I thought would be my worst. I started to give up hope halfway there but thought I might as well make an attempt, and so I wrote a whole lot of ..stuff in the exam that I'm sure only 1/8th was correct! I started laughing at myself halfway during the exam, thinking of how stupid my answers looked!
I then had a whole week before the next two exams, which were yesterday and today. I can guarantee you I did study! In between I fitted in a dinner with the cousins, which was cool because we haven't caught up with each other in a while. Two of my cousins from the same family have gone overseas since, and I didn't find out till a few days after they had left! One of my older cousins is planning on establishing a political party, named the 'Anti-Zombie Apocalypse'. I'm not too sure what it'll stand for (apparently nothing?) but I offered my services to him if he ever needs a spokesperson or a candidate for his party list!
And finally...the last two exams. Yesterday was shocking. I thought it'd be better than the exam before it, but I have a feeling it wasn't! Today's exam was chemistry, and that was my best paper last year, so I thought I'd have a decent stab at it this time round as well. We were allowed to bring a 'cheat sheet' with us to the exam, which meant we could write absolutely anything on both sides of one A4 paper, and so I stayed up all night trying to type the whole lecture guide onto the computer and reduce it down to two A4 pages. It ended up being 12 pages, but fortunately it was still legible after being squished down to 6 pages per side!
Now it's finally the holidays. I'm just going to waste my time in the city and do nothing productive for a change! The only thing hanging over my head will be exam results, and things won't be looking too pretty! Not that holidays will last long...three weeks cut short by one because of Maori Health Week!!

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