Saturday 15 March 2008

Where we Left Off

HAPPY BIRTHDAY PHOEBE!!! (for yesterday)

I actually caught up with Phoebe the day before! I had finally finished uni for the day at about 4pm and after having only slept for two hours earlier that day (stupid chemistry report!!) I tried working on another report in the computer room but just felt really tired! So I was tossing up between whether to stay at uni for the Debating Club's introduction evening or to go home and have a rest. I thought I might go home for a little while to help my brother deliver newspapers and then come back to uni for the Debating Club function so I was walking through Albert Park when I caught up with my friend Kevin and started talking for a while and catching up with him. That's when I saw Phoebe and her boyfriend Alan coming towards us! They caught up and we had a little chat before Phoebe said she had to go to her commercial law lecture and asked if I wanted to go. I've always wanted to attend a law-related lecture! I went with her to her lecture and that's when Toni, this girl in my year back in Rutherford came and joined us!

I have to say Commercial Law was really fascinating! It was on bills and acts [of parliament] and other things like that, and I stayed awake throughout the entire lecture! I have to admit that I did pass a few notes and talked to Phoebe and Toni a few times during the lecture and did a bit of drawing, but besides that it was pretty cool!

I then walked with Phoebe and Alan to the bus stop, catching up with Estee and Pita on the way there. I stupidly stopped in the middle of the road as I was crossing it to turn back and wave to them at the traffic lights! Luckily I didn't get hit by a car! I caught the bus home with Phoebe, catching up with her and everything that's been going on. We didn't really talk much last year and I thought there might've been something going on but looks like things are all good between us now!

Earlier in the day my friend Ziheng and I were rushing to get our chemistry reports done as we had just a little bit left to finish off. We ended up having to write about ten pages! We ended up having to wait about 12 minutes for the next bus to Grafton, and our lab had already started! While we were waiting for the bus we were trying to think up some excuses! Once we got there I had to go all the way down to the basement to grab my lab coat from my locker before going all the way back up. I was huffing and puffing by the time I got to the lab and I apologised several times to the co-ordinator and fortunately we got off with a warning, as long as we're not late again! PHEW!!

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