Tuesday 4 March 2008

Back to School

Uni started pretty much like last year, having to wake up extra early at 5.30am just to catch a bus into the city which would let me get to my 8am lecture at Grafton! It was a bit of a struggle but I got to the bus stop in time and found Zahir! We caught the bus into the city together and went our own ways once we got into the city as I had to head off to Grafton. I was walking up Symonds St on my way to Grafton when I caught up with my old chem lab partner from last year Jerrard, which was really cool! He used to do Health Science too, but has now switched to Biomed. We walked up along Symonds St when some Asian girl called out to me...I think it was Angie, but I didn't get a good enough look. When I got to the end of the road I caught up with my pharmacy friend Michael (who I met at camp) and went with him to our first lecture.

The first lecture wasn't too bad I suppose. It's been my goal this year not to fall asleep as often as I did last year, but I just can't help it! I did doze off slightly in the first lecture which wasn't a good start! We had an hour break after the lecture and so Mimi, this other 2nd year pharmacy girl introduced Michael and me to the rest of the pharmacy gang in the cafe since we don't know too many of them. We got to know them a bit before we had to head off down to the basement theatre for our next THREE HOUR marathon lecture!

We were sitting there, ready for the lecture to start when the fire alarm went! We all had to evacuate the building till the alarm stopped ten minutes later. Finally we got our lecture going, and we started off with this lecturer who wasn't too...exciting...He did his thing for about an hour and I dozed off a little. We then had this different lecturer for the next hour and I was awake during that hour! Then for the final hour the first lecturer came back...zzzzzzz.....

I headed back into the city after that lecture and re-signed with the Kiwi Asian Club and the Dessert Club. I think I'm supposed to be helping out with the Dessert Club stall as I got an email from them saying they'd like me on their committee! I might be a little to late to help them this week though. Anyway that cost me $8 in total! At least the Dessert Club wasn't too expensive for returning members...

I caught up with a few old friends like Kevin, my good Health Sciences buddy from last year who's doing...Health Sciences this year!! I also came across all the guys and girls from Cabin E at pharmacy camp! They really hated their first BIOSCI107 lab, and I wouldn't blame them, seeing as all you do for the three hours is practise using a microscope!

I did a bit of study up in the quiet study space at the Info Commons before guess what...fire alarm!!! Reminds me of the good old days of Rutherford College!

One of the highlights of the day was probably catching up with Dickson from intermediate school, who introduced me to Jessica, this girl who joined our class later in the year way back then. I hadn't seen her in...probably six years! Even though she was at our school for not very long I still somehow remembered her and remember approaching her asking for a dance at the year 8 graduation. Of course I didn't bring that up with her though! It was good to see she still remembered me too...I think...

Uni today was pretty much more of the same. I didn't have to wake up as early as my first lecture (8am once again) was in the city, not Grafton. This time I caught up with Estee who was in the same lecture as me which is cool!

I did a bit of study before I had to head off to Grafton for my three hour lab which involved dealing with bacteria. I couldn't find the lab and so I arrived slightly late and ended up sitting in the last row with a few other girls. I didn't have much success at putting bacteria onto a slide and going through the grams method! I tried putting bacteria onto an agar plate. Let's hope that worked properly. I'm getting assessed on these things in the next labs!

I managed to find myself a locker at Grafton afterwards so I can keep my lab coat there and not have to carry it everywhere with me! :D The only thing is that it's all the way in Grafton...That reminds me, I still have to get my bus card sorted out! I've had to walk all the way from the city to Grafton and back again in the rain!! i guess it's good exercise but I get all hot by the time I arrive at the lab!

When I got back to the city I waited for Aonghas to finish his first COMPSCI lecture (he's only doing one) before he gave me a ride home. We drove past the bus stop at Sky City where we saw Zahir and Chen there. Since it was a red light, I called out to them asking if they wanted a ride home. That's when Phoebe, who was sitting with her boyfriend, called out to me! So I offered her a ride too if she wanted one, saying we had three seats in the back for whoever as confusion reigned for a moment, but she declined so Chen and Zahir jumped in. One of them left the door open though and the bus right beside our car was starting to move off! Fortunately the bus didn't ram into the door and rip it off!

Well it's off to sleep for another early wake-up tomorrow morning and yet another day at uni!

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