Tuesday 18 March 2008

An Inspiration!

About time they fix those stairs! Whenever I walked down those stairs you'd hear a THUNK which was a little worrying...

Yesterday we had a lecture on herpes viruses for MEDSCI, and I've got to say one of the funniest... and disturbing things a lecturer has said in any of my lectures went something along the lines of (I'm not quoting accurately of course!)

"If you saw a cold sore on my penis, you'd be able to tell if you had one on yours"

Very disturbing...

We had a lab today where were growing bacteria on agar plates. My bench group also had to redo a reassessment in gram staining bacteria because one of us got it wrong, which meant none of us got a mark! This time round didn't work as well, and I ended up doing it twice before getting it right!

I stayed a little later at uni today and was about to head off home at 6pm when Janey one of the Dessert Club execs caught up with me and invited me to attend this Spark Business lecture thingy. It's this programme which encourages people to become entrepreneurs and ends with a competition where the winner with the best business plan gets several thousand $$$ to help start up their business. I thought I'd just attend to see if I could learn anything. There was this guest speaker who had set up his own marine-related company (I'm not exactly too sure how to define it) and now its a multi-million dollar business. This guy though was so energetic, running around, telling us about this and that, that it really inspired me! Now I want to be an entrepreneur!

After the lecture I ran all the way to the bus stop only to be stopped by a red light, and saw my bus pass me! To pass the time away I thought I'd try out a Baby Big Mac at McDonalds, and I have to say it tastes pretty good, a lot better than those dry hamburgers and cheeseburgers they serve! As I was walking down the road, I had a goal come to me - I want to buy a homeless person a burger! I have no idea why, but I just want to!

As I stared at the sky while walking down the road to home after getting off the bus, I realised what I really want to do is be a philanthropist! I want to be able to give away money to organisations and schools or whatever and hopefully see them benefit and move forward. There's only a few problems with that - you need A LOT of money! Now if I was an entrepreneur and established a successful business... What the guest speaker emphasised though was that you've got to take action and not just sit around or else you won't get anywhere. He went on to say that there is a difference between business risk and gambling risk, in that with gambling risk you either win or lose, whereas with business risk you can influence and improve your odds of success by what you do.

I actually stayed awake throughout the whole hour and listened intently!! It really sounds like something I want to do, the only thing though is that I need a brilliant idea, or just any idea at all, and then money to start off with! First I've just got to get this pharmacy degree first and make a bit of money!

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