Sunday 2 March 2008

Up to Speed

I've been pretty tired ever since I got back from camp! The day I got back I was up for a while but then I just fell asleep on the couch that night!

Thursday was like a deja vu day where everything seemed to happen twice! We had to drop off Aonghas's lunch at school for him before I was to go in to the Studylink office in the city to sort out my student allowance application. As soon as I got to school though I realised that we forgot to bring Aonghas' lunch with us!

We decided to carry on to the city to sort out my student allowance before coming back home to pick up Aonghas's lunch. I got to the Studylink office, handed my forms over to them when I realised I had forgotten one of them at home!! So I went all the way home to pick Aonghas's lunch and the form. We dropped off Aonghas's lunch and went back into the city to drop off my forms. I caught up with a few people at uni while at it too including Nick and Chen's mum, and Angie, Cameron and Rebecca who were together.

Later that day when I got back home I had to deliver newspapers but I counted wrongly so Aonghas took some of mine. So I was waiting on the side of the road opposite to our house, when I saw this guy walking along the footpath. He came past our house before walking slightly up our driveway, reached out and grabbed a peach off our tree! He then carried on walking down the road.

A little later on while I was delivering newspapers I caught up to the guy and saw him walking out of this dead end road coming onto our road. He walked all the way to the end of our road before crossing it and walking back down, and guess what he was holding in his hand? A bag of fruit! What a cheap guy!!

Friday was pharmacy orientation day at Grafton, so I got to the city early to meet up with the rest of Cabin E, our cabin group at pharmacy camp. From there we all walked to Grafton. It turned out that the 1st year welcome lecture was at 9am while 2nd year was at 10am, so I was early! I waited a while before going into the 2nd year lecture with Michael, a 2nd year I met at camp. There were a few welcome speeches and a vote for class rep, before we left for the 1st year lecture, which was boring as most of it was the same.

Michael and I decided to go buy our pharmacy course guides, but when we got to the room we were told it would cost $20 for all of it! We had no money on ourselves and were told to go to the hospital to withdraw some, so we made our way there, and by the time we got back we found the door closed and told we'd have to come back in about two hours! I must've been talking about it a little loud, as one of the course co-ordinators was sitting around in the nearby foyer talking to some other people and offered to let us buy our course guides as long as we bought her a muffin! Thank goodness for her!

There was a bit of a barbecue and entertainment at the quad outside the medical school afterwards where all the biomed, pharmacy, nursing and med students got together. I was surprised to see a few familiar faces around, like Nikki (from my high school), Sheena (my MEDSCI lab partner), and this other guy from health science who's doing a nursing/science degree, Chen who's doing biomed and the biggest [pleasant] surprise - Beth who got into med!! Yay go Beth!!! I later caught the bus home with Chen which was fun.

That night at church for youth group we had a 'birthday party' where we celebrated all the birthdays that had occurred from the beginning of the year till that day, which included the minister's son, this other girl Claire, Cecilia one of the adult helpers! We had a little show-and-tell where we had to talk about an object or something that reminded us of a past birthday. I showed a few photos of the day when Hamish crashed into a tree on his bike! We also had a cake-decorating competition. I don't actually know who won, but with them being covered with M&M's, sprinkles, chocolate, pineapple and gummie bears and marshmellows, ours certainly tasted great!!

I had my first proper recorder lessons yesterday morning which went fairly well, except for one of my beginner classes where one of my students was a little hypo and the other one forgot to bring his recorder! They didn't manage to get through all the work I had planned for them but oh well...I have their class sorted for next week then!

We went over to Henderson High School afterwards to pick up our hungi, as we bought three off our cousin Korina to help her netball team fundraise for their trip to Australia. That was the first hungi I've ever tried!

This morning at church Angie showed up for the first time in...ages! We'll have to catch up again sometime at uni. I also got to ask Jennifer about some Westlake girls I met at camp who know her! Ain't the world a small place? Apparently they're all pretty girls!

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