Friday 21 March 2008

Time for a Break!

and HAPPY BIRTHDAY HUSSEIN (for Wednesday)

Finally it's the holidays, despite it only being five days! That's all right though. I had the best sleep I've had in a while last night and slept in this morning. Today I've mostly just been mucking around doing nothing, but I'm about to get onto my assignments and some chemistry studying!

So what have I been doing in the past few days? Well on Wednesday afternoon after class it was the pharmacy touch tournament over at Auckland Domain. Disappointingly the first years didn't send a team to compete! I offered to compete for the first years but got told that I'd be disowned if I did! Well turns out it was just as well that they didn't send a team or else us 2nd years wouldn't have won a game! I didn't end up playing as I didn't really feel like it but I sat with the other 2nd years to watch the game. We started off with a loss to the staff team (with one of the players looking suspiciously like a male despite wearing a skirt!), followed by a loss to the 3rd years and guessed it a loss to the 4th years. Well there's always next year, as well as the dodgeball competition later in the year!

I'm still having a problems staying awake in class and it was made worse when we ended up learning pretty much the same thing in our PHARMACY class as what we were doing in our CHEM240 class! Fortunately that pharmacy lecture was my last for the day yesterday before I headed off back to the city! I caught up with Shen for the first time in a while before having to go over to the Dessert Club stall to help out with the Easter egg give-aways. I was made to wear bunny ears! Despite getting a few glances from passers-by I didn't get any weird comments like Will (another Dessert Club exec), who got told he looked cute by a GUY!

I was just about to finish when two girls from pharmacy came over to ask me for help with this chemistry excel file. I hadn't actually talked to them before so it was cool to get to know them! Unfortunately I wasn't able to be of much help to them but we just hung out for a little while before they had to go.

Last night was the first time I attended a Debating Club meeting as well! Originally I hadn't planned on taking part in a debate but just watch, but Chen had already put my name down! Fortunately I got put in his team with this other girl who didn't know how to stop talking! We had half an hour to prepare with the moot being

"That this house supports a boycott of the Beijing Olympics"

We were negating. I was so not ready for debating after being out of the game for a few years! I didn't end up writing anything down at all, and when I got up to speak as second speaker my mind went blank and I ummmmed and errrrrred and made funny noises for a while before I got on to a ranting roll! What's worse is that we were up against these debaters who had been debating just in the previous year!

Somehow, just somehow, we managed to win which was a complete surprise! To round off the night while Chen and I were waiting for his dad to take us home down Princes St, some random guys came over and asked Chen how was physics. Chen had no idea what he was talking about! The guy then told us he did health sciences down in Otago and started telling us all this random stuff. That was really weird!

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