Saturday 3 March 2007

First Week Is Over...

I've been so exhausted from the first week of uni that I haven't had time to post! It's been an up-and-down week as well, so here it goes!


I had to wake up at 5.45am just to catch the 6.30am bus into the city! I thought my first chemistry lecture was in the new Business School building, but when I got in the theatre and sat down, I saw someone with an economics folder and started to freak out! With about twenty minutes before the lecture was due to start I had no idea who to ask, but to go to the chemistry building and find out where the lecture was supposed to be! This lady there was handing out maps with directions on how to get to the new Business School building though! This is where I met Kevin, this Malaysian guy from Howick College. We ended up talking along the way, getting to know each other. I sat with him during my lectures.

There were too many students for my second lecture (BIOSCI107) so they had to have an overflow lecture theatre with the lecturer being telecast. I ended up in that room! Afterwards I had about three hours to kill so I walked around the quad with Hamish, checking out all the different clubs. I caught up with Estee and Allen, my old intermediate school friend! I went over to the Young Labour stand to discuss politics with them, and then afterwards went to talk to the guys at the Young Nationals. When they tried to sign me up though I told them my name was on the mailing list for Young Labours, and so the guy walked over to them to ask!! I felt a bit guilty so I jumped behind the tent! I also joined the Hong Kong Students Society despite not being from Hong Kong! AND I also caught up with Alice again! I was so exhausted after the first day I fell asleep on the bus and didn't wait for too long before going to sleep once I got home!


This wasn't such a great day. Same old lectures. I tried to talk to a few people I was sitting next to, but they seemed disinterested and the conversation died down very very quickly! Things weren't looking too great and I was starting not to enjoy uni again. It just felt as though everyone was taking things seriously, and no one could or would joke about anything! I couldn't find anyone during lunch and so I ended up just sitting in the library studying/sleeping. It's really hard finding your friends when you don't have any credit! I had BIOSCI lab for three hours towards the end of the day, playing with microscopes though and that's where I met my partner Mohammad who's pretty cool! We finished the lab with a 10-question multi-choice quiz which thankfully doesn't count towards our final grade! PHEW I had this weird dream that night. I was in Ms Heath's (Rutherford teacher) class (it must've been from chatting to Phoebe about her!) and she was telling off this girl for bringing a baby chick to class. The girl then questioned why I was allowed to bring my cat to class, and I replied that nobody noticed anyway because I was invisible :S I don't know what that's supposed to mean...


I actually got to sleep in an hour later since I didn't have to be in the city (or Tamaki) till 10.30am, but my dad still insisted on me catching the early bus. I ended up with an hour to kill and decided to try study in the library. I caught the 9am bus and met Melissa who sat next to me! I found out that we have many similarities! When we got off half an hour later I met her friends and we sat at a picnic table, and were joined by another guy called Richard. It's amazing what these people have achieved though! Melissa was deputy Head Girl of Auckland Girls Grammar, at one stage the 3rd best cyclist in NZ and was planning on competing in the Beijing Olympics (now it'll be the London Olympics). Her coach is also Sarah Ulmer's dad! Richard on the other hand is pretty much a violin virtuoso! He also remembered me after I asked him if he knew Jessica Chen (Rangitoto College schoolmates) and then he realised I was the accordionist who competed against him for the Knights Templar Music Scholarship several years ago! He also performed at the Starlight Symphony last year and has performed in many other big events with various symphony orchestras! What was great about Wednesday was that I only had one lecture and then I was done! I caught the bus back to Tamaki with Richard, then the free bus to his bus stop. It was raining heavily then, so I caught the bus all the way to Downtown where I was going to try buy my chemistry goggles. They didn't have any so I tried rushing back to the university to get to the Scholars Luncheon, or so I thought! I wasn't too sure where the Vice-Chancellors Suite was, and so I was looking all around the place in the rain! After I finally found it, I went inside this grand building, but no one was there! I stood there for a while before texting my mentor Aritra who told me it was actually the same date but next month! I also came across Sarena and Ellyce too, the first time I saw them!


I thought that since good and bad days will alternate, Thursday would turn out to be a bad day. It wasn't though! I had a second good night's sleep and so I wasn't too tired on the bus. I sat with Richard in CHEM class. I had all my usual lectures, although because I only discovered I had a pre-lab assignment the night before which was due on that day, I had to rush through it in the library during my break! Once again I couldn't find my friends since I didn't know where they were, so I just sat at Albert Park to eat my lunch while watching the Maori guys putting up the lanterns for the lantern festival. I had chemistry lab for the last few hours of the day. I met Jarrod from Birkenhead College who was cool as a partner, and what's her name (this girl!) from the other side of the bench! It's really weird in the labs, as it is compulsory for everyone to wear a white labcoat as well as protective goggles! Anyway we did some chemical tests, separating mixtures of chemicals. I was a bit of a clutz spilling leaf extract first on my hand before spilling cyclohexane on my hand! Even though the bottle said to avoid having contact with your skin, I didn't notice till after a while and then I asked my supervisor what would happen, but he reassured me he always did that!

Hamish wanted to stay in the library for a while to use the computers so I just mucked around and hung out with Estee before we decided to go. The bus wouldn't come for another hour though, so Hamish and I just wandered the streets. I thought shops were supposed to be open late on a Thursday, but apparently not in town! We had to gawk at all the cellphones and cameras for sale through barred windows! We finally managed to get home by 8pm and I ended up talking to Gwen on the phone for a few hours (for the first time ever!) after she wanted to sort out some stuff.

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