Wednesday 14 March 2007

God's Work?


At Sunday School last Sunday (obviously) we went around the group to see if anyone had any prayer requests. I asked them to pray for me to pay attention in class and study hard. When asked if there was any specific reason...because it was BOOOOORRRING!!!!

So on Monday I woke up wide awake, got on the bus and went to uni. Now here's the miraculous part - I stayed awake right through the whole entire chemistry lecture!!! WOOOO YEAH! The next miraculous part? I stayed awake throughout the whole entire Biosci lecture! Double WOOOO! OK I slightly (just slightly!!) started to slide in population health, but I mean who doesn't??!! Anyway I stayed on at university to study right up till 7pm at night without falling asleep, and managed to memorise all sorts of big words like peritoneal cavity, laparotomy and ectopic pregnancy! Yay now I can speak like a pro!

There was a fire drill for a moment which temporarily halted my studying. Everyone had to evacuate the library. I spent my time trying to see if I could spot the fire, but fortunately there was none and we were soon let back in. When I caught the bus late at night there was a fire in a building near Sky City though which required the firefighters to climb up one of those ladders and even block off a whole road!

Yesterday I had a three hour session for Biosci where we were looking at slides of Rat duodenum, trachea and oesophagus under a microscope. We then got tested on our drawings. Thank goodness I got the trachea which only required me to name three main parts! I'll probably come away with a low mark nonetheless for shocking drawing! In the next lab we'll be making a model of a human embryo so that's something I'll be able to put on the mantle at home! Some people have told me that it's really hard though (they mark you on your model!) and that heaps of people failed it!

Today I spent the day over at Tamaki for my population health lectures and tutorials. The lecture was....yeah was my first population health 111 tutorial though, which lasted for two hours. I sat at a table with a few girls and got to know them, although I only know one of their names...the one with the normal name....(yeah I feel bad!). Anyway we were learning about mortality rates, which involved us filling in a death certificate! It was funny because we had this Chinese guy as our tutor and he was crazy! (in a good sort of way!)

Now here's the weirdest thing that has happened to me all week! I was sitting in the library today trying to study chemistry, when I must've dozed off. I woke up slightly to notice someone standing next to me thinking it was probably a friend wanting to say hi. Instead it was a security guard! She told me I wasn't allowed to sleep in the library! Since when was it against the rules to fall asleep in the library??!! She added that the building opposite to where I was sitting (which we could see through the window) was where her bosses worked and they could probably see me, and so she advised me to move somewhere else! That was so odd! I went up to the next level to find a spot to study (I like studying in corners and behind walls!) and I was so scared of falling asleep I didn't do so for the rest of the night!

Maybe God is just trying to help me focus on study?

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