Wednesday 28 March 2007

The Pressure!

Today was the first time I had an assignment due for university! While fortunately for science I haven't had any essay assignments, unfortunately I have a couple for Population Health, and that is doubly booooring! The assignment that was due today required me to answer all these questions about primary health care using techniques such as direct quoting, referencing and paraphrasing....yawn...

I was going to try complete it early early, but I ended up completing it over the weekend, having only a couple days to review it and try to cut back on the number of words. What has really been frustrating though is that I thought we'd learn how to structure our answers etcetc in our Population Health tutorials, but instead we just have a look at the content instead! If we want to learn more about writing skills, we have to pay $10 to attend some of the workshops run by the Student Learning Centre!

Well anyway today after double-checking my assignment I caught the bus into the city by half past eight, catching up with ex-Head Girl Jessica along the way! I then caught up with Richard, jumped on another bus and went on to Tamaki. Lucky me I found a dollar on the ground when I got off the bus! The lecture was sorta boring as usual, as was the tutorial.

I had to stay on for another two hours to attend the other Population Health workshop which was two hours where we discussed immunisation and various epidemiological studies. Our last task was to get into a group to design a poster aimed at a common misconception parents had on immunisation. Our group was funny but slow! We decided to aim at the misconception that measles wasn't that serious by designing a poster based on DO YOU WANT TO GAMBLE YOUR CHILD'S LIFE? with this roulette table in the middle. Our team spent so long discussing it and then with one and a half minutes left the girl who was drawing the poster was trying to make the roulette table as neat as could be, that by the time the tutor came along to grab our posters and put them to the vote to see which was best, ours consisted of only a circle in the middle of it which looked like a doughnut! Fortunately we didn't do the YEAH RIGHT advert as two other groups came up with that one!

Finally after the workshop I ducked into the computer lab to double-check my assignment before handing it in. I was sitting next to this Hong Kong girl who happens to be in nearly all my classes and so we got talking about stuff. We both submitted our assignments in (phew!) and then went to catch the bus but we had missed it! So we ended up having to wait around at the dead Tamaki campus for another hour before the next bus came.

At least I've got that assignment out of the way! Now I've just got to get through chemistry lab tomorrow (we're distilling wine oh yay!!), the chemistry test on Monday, the biosci test on Wednesday and the population health test on Thursday and then I've got the holidays to relax! (unlike those lucky commerce students who have most of their tests the first week back right? And I thought I had it bad!! :D OK maybe I do in a way...)

Oh yeah I didn't realise that I haven't been sending too many texts this month...certain people haven't been texting much! Or maybe it's just uni...well now I've got about 300 texts to send in the next three days, so if any of you are bored feel free to text me and I can guarantee you a reply! As they say, the poor people in Africa don't get much opportunity if any to text, so I'm trying not to waste mine! ;)

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