Tuesday 27 March 2007

Ahhhh Yes....

So in the past week I met an old friend, found something...odd about another, missed the bus and my lecture, attended someone's lecture...

I met Alice again last Monday! Yeah not that surprising seeing as I always meet her, and we just hung out till she had to go to her statistics lecture. Because my lecture was right after her's and in the same lecture theatre, she told me to come to her lecture, so...I did! I was waiting in the foyer with her to go in when I saw the whole ex-Rutherford contingent come along like Jane, Glen and Ellyce, and tried to hide from them (well I wasn't supposed to be there!) Even though normal distribution is so interesting, I dosed off a little and didn't really listen much. When it came to my lecture I convinced Alice to attend my lecture! (Just wanted to see if she'd fall asleep!) Well she didn't, but neither did I which was good!

On Wednesday I was going to meet up with Diane for lunch, and so I was going to catch the bus back from Tamaki where I had population health, but typical me missed the bus and after desperately trying to find a way of getting back to the city before 1pm so I wouldn't keep her waiting, I ended up keeping her waiting and arriving an hour late! We caught up down Queen St and went to Nando's for lunch, which was cool. She couldn't finish her lunch. After pretending to chuck her Coke bottle at me she opened it and spilled it on her pants which was funny! After opening my bottle of L&P I thought mine wouldn't fizz all over the place, but then suddenly it just went BLAHH all over the place. We then tried tossing salt in each other's mouths before I caught the bus with her to her old school so she could try get some references from her teachers. Man Mt Roskill Grammar School is HUGE! Unfortunately none of her teachers were there. We parted ways as Diane went home.

On Friday I found out my friend is....likes....other..sorts of people! OK well I don't know if that's true or not but that's just what my other friend told me which caught me by surprise! Now I don't have anything against those sorts of people with different lifestyles (well i don't think I do anyway!) it's just it's never happened to anyone I know! Anyway I'm treating it like I don't know anything because I don't even know if it's true or not!

Saturday consisted of music teaching and music lessons. My students were teasing me so I teased them back! Nah it wasn't that bad but they weren't as distracted as the other week! Accordion lessons was...OK...Roseanne this good North Shore accordionist saw me reading my BIOSCI book and started talking to me about it which was cool of her! Jessica (accordion arch-nemesis) came over and joined in. Once Roseanne left I got talking with Jessica about all these Rangitoto College people I've met at uni. I ask them all if they know Jessica (good conversation starter!) and funnily enough they do! Then her mum broke up our conversation..

Sunday - Church....Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........Sunday School.....Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz......Jennifer didn't come (but that's probably because her dad's in hospital after having an operation), nor did Angie AGAIN (hhmmm starting on an accounting assessment huh?? lol) so it was just Hamish and me, the three brother and sisters and a few other oldems. We went to Westcity after church where we met Jason's (an old primary school friend) mum and right on the other side of the couch..Gwen! It was good seeing her again and catching up with her. Man I still miss those guys!

Yesterday - I missed the bus to uni and had to catch the later one, which got me into the city too late for my chemistry lecture! I ended up not going to it and just using the time to do some stuff on the library computers and grabbing my free mp3 player from National Bank (finally!!!!) I did attend the BIOSCI lecture afterwards, and after a week of not understanding anything (which I should've remembered from yr 12 biology!!) I actually understood this lecture! With tests on next week, this week is going to be full-on studying!! I managed to jump in to Sarena and Estee's chemistry lecture, even though I got an email from the chemistry lady not too long before reminding us to ATTEND THE RIGHT LECTURE! OK maybe just this once...Although if I attend lectures with them I won't have to wake up as early...

Anyway after the lecture I went into the library to read up on BIOSCI, ATP and all that. I ended up doing an hour of sleep before I started my several hours of study, before heading off to Britomart to catch the bus. I arrived early so I went to the train station to do some reading, and when I got up guess who I came across...Zippo! She had just finished her course for the day. We walked back to the bus stop when guess who we came across...my dad!!! Zippo caught another bus back home while my dad and I caught another bus back to our home.

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