Sunday 18 March 2007

Makeshift Recipient

Rutherford College, my old school, were to have their Scholars Assembly on Friday afternoon for those students who did well in the NCEA externals. Aonghas got an invitation, but I didn't, so I thought that was the end of that. I was thinking about whether I should go and support Aonghas at the assembly though, and also meet my friends at the same time! My mum kept trying to dissuade me from going though, as she thought I'd embarrass myself, having to watch all my fellow students go up for awards while I couldn't achieve anything! She made a valid point, so I decided maybe I'll just give this one a miss!

It wasn't till a couple days before Friday when Aonghas told me that Ms Heath asked if I could attend the assembly to accept an award on behalf of Hyun, who couldn't make it as he's in Korea. My mum still wasn't too keen, but it turns out that she thought I'd have to miss classes! I ended up deciding to go ahead with it, and so I planned on going to the earlier lecture on Friday so I could catch the bus to Te Atatu Peninsula in time.

I woke up late that morning and caught the late bus into the city, only just getting to my chemistry lecture on time! It was fun as the lecturer did a chemical demonstration, which he probably wasn't allowed to in the new business school lecture theatre! Biosci was...well biosci. However I made this new friend called Nigel from Royal Oak. After that I caught the bus to Tamaki. Catching the bus to Tamaki is always interesting, as you get to a spare seat first and leave the other one free, so you never know who's going to sit next to you! This time I had this Malaysian girl who used to Rangitoto College sit next to me. I got talking to her till we got to Tamaki.

The population health lecture must have been one of the most boring lectures I've attended so far! I got texts from other people in the lecture theatre who were so bored they needed to text to keep them awake! As soon as I got out I jumped back on the bus, and this time I had some Korean guy sit next to me! He turned out to be a 3rd year biology student.

I caught the public bus back to Te Atatu Peninsula with who else but Larry! I haven't really talked to him much before but I had a good conversation with him on the bus!

It started raining when I got off, and so I dashed into the school office as fast as I could. It was weird seeing the new reception with a new receptionist who obviously didn't know me! I asked for Ms Heath (assistant principal) and she came out and stared at my clothes with a horrified look! I managed to borrow her phone and tried to ask my mum to bring some clothes to school for me to get changed in, while Ms Heath was laughing at me trying to communicate to my mum!

While I was waiting for my mum, I decided to visit some friends, so I walked through the school over to the accounting room to pop by and say hi to Gwen, Alex, Angie, Melissa and them. It felt weird walking through the school being the only one not wearing uniform! A few of the senior students came over to catch up with me which was cool! Anyway I caught up with the young enterprise people in the accounting room. They looked really cool in their uniforms with their ties, jumpers and everything!, like Britney Spears'! I couldn't hang with them for too long before I had to go looking for my mum.

Finally I found her at the back gate with my change of clothes. I went into the village to get changed, catching up with Chelsey, Ethan and Ari. My mum brought me this striped purple shirt she bought on discount at Cotton On, and some black pants. They looked like pyjamas! Anyway it'd have to do! The bell had just rung so I had to rush over to the hall!

The assembly was pretty standard Rutherford College formal assembly. The jazz band played as the guests walked up the aisle and sat on stage. Mr Moore the principal gave a speech, before the awards presentation commenced. It started off with the year 12's. John Kingi came 3rd, Aonghas came 2nd and Rose came 1st (based on NCEA external results). They each received a scholars tie (looks neat!), a certificate and a cheque. For year 13's Michaela came 3rd, Cameron came 2nd and Chen predictably came 1st. Next the ex-students who got scholarship in their exams each received a tie and certificate (woooo go Jane, Patrick, David and Pita (who couldn't make it!)). Finally the awards for top ex-students were awarded. Jane came 3rd, Heather (represented by her mum) came 2nd, and Hyun came 1st. Mr Moore started reading Hyun's blurb out while I was still sitting down on my seat. Ms Heath thought he had forgotten to call me up to the stage and started signalling me to come up, so I popped up on stage! Later on Mr Moore assured me he hadn't forgotten about me!

It was a little weird standing there on the middle of the stage while Hyun's achievements were being read out! After a short while of staring out the window (I try to avoid eye contact when I have nothing better to do on stage!) Mrs Taylor presented me with Hyun's prizes and I took my seat at the back with the other recipients. It's now my job to send it all to Hyun!

All the award winners and parents were invited to a small afternoon tea in the staffroom afterwards. It was funny. The prize-winners were being congratulated. I got a few congratulations (which I said I'd pass on to Hyun! I had to remind a few people that I was being Hyun for that day!) and one of them saying I just wanted any excuse to get up on stage!!

I managed to catch up with Jane who I hadn't seen since university started a couple weeks ago! I've got to catch up with her again sometime! Mr Jameson my old intermediate school principal was there too. He's retiring in June, which is sad as he was a tough but fair and good principal. Good to see he still remembers me after about five years!

When it was all over Aonghas and I made our way back to the car waiting for our mum when these two girls came up to me and started talking to me! I initially thought they were talking to Aonghas when they started talking to me! They were these Asian girls called Sophie and Becky. They asked me if I remembered them. I just told them I remembered Sophie as chocolate girl (she kept selling me chocolate last year!) and Becky as chocolate girl's friend! Anyway that was interesting as I've never really talked to them before!

So yeah it's been an interesting day/weekend. I also heard some stuff go down with a couple of my friends which was a little sad to hear, but I suppose I'm used to this now! I think I can recall several occasions when I've been friends with people on both sides! I won't say anything as it isn't really my business and I don't want to make things worse...or spread stuff (see how I can keep my mouth shut Stephen! ;) ) but let's hope the wounds inflicted aren't fatal!

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