Friday 9 March 2007

Amazing Discoveries

I'm starting to get into a regular routine now which is making uni slightly better! I didn't have any labs this week which meant I finished on most days by 2pm. Yesterday there was a technical problem during the Population Health lecture, as we kept hearing this woman's voice coming from the speakers, and so they had to cancel the lecture! I spent the extra time walking down to McDonald's to buy an ice-cream cone!

On Saturday the day after Friday's Lantern Festival, I went to the Lantern Festival again, but this time with family. I met up with Shiu Tai, Persia, Mia and Nikki, who I haven't seen for a while! It wasn't long as the wave of people were separating me from them. Aonghas also met a few of his friends amongst the packed crowd! We heard that Angie was selling food at one of the food stalls so we tried looking for her and came across Melissa and her friend. We got talking for a while before resuming our search. We gave up though. She didn't turn up to church the next day either which means it's been several weeks since I've last seen her! Anyway we rejoined our parents who were watching the performances at the main stage. I had wanted to watch Richard, my new friend perform the violin earlier in the day but my family couldn't get ready in time!

The next day we had a barbeque at the neighbours'. Zippo was there with her boyfriend Gabe, and so were Esther and Julia, and the rest of the kids. We all got talking while having a feed, and later that night when it was just Szelin, Esther, Julia, me and Aonghas, we had some good conversation! I found out a lot about Esther and Julia that I didn't know before!

Earlier in the week I had a little freak-out when I wasn't getting anything in biosci. I came home and had a discussion with my parents who told me loud and clearly they never forced me to choose Health Science (yeah right!!) and that it wasn't too late to change to law (my real passion!). I was seriously considering it, but the next day we had a different lecturer for biosci and a new topic - human embryology, which I actually got! I decided I'd just keep with Health Science, as I'm not one to quit something I've already started!!

It was Wednesday when I realised that maybe Health Science isn't such a dead-end degree afterall and that maybe medicine may not necessarily be my thing! The lecturer basically told us that most of us wouldn't get in, and then went on to tell us about the different positions in the health sector which could provide just as much fulfilment as being a doctor, and that made me realise that maybe my future could belong in public health policy, or maybe even in politics!

I got to sleep in a bit on Wednesday morning, and so I caught the later bus, which was filled with Rangeview and Rutherford students. What amazed me was how some students caught the bus at one end of Te Atatu Rd (my stop) and then just got off at the other end! I'm sure they would've had plenty of time to walk! Oh well...

I always look forward to Wednesdays and Fridays, as I usually get to Tamaki early to hang out with the group - Richard the violin virtuoso, Melissa the cycling champ, George...the random girl and Michael the German! We were talking on the bus about what girls look at first in a guy, and Melissa said eyes!! I really don't get what is with girls and eyes!! We had our first tutorial for population health that day as well. Both Michael and Melissa were in my tutorial class but I sat with some other people and got to know these girls Brior, Susan and Candy! Our teacher Dee, an Iraqi with an American accent is pretty cool. She let us talk, eat and drink in class!

Later that same day there was a KiwiAsian Club intro meeting back in the city. I was originally going to go with Shen but he went to an earlier meeting, so instead I went with Melissa and Kat. It was the first time I had seen Kat in a while! I was hoping there'd be quite a few hot girls but ...well not that time! After the meeting I hung out with Kat and her friend, going shopping for some stuff she needed. We went over to AUT to check out their supply stores and came across Perry and Larry! Perry was in the same class as Kat back at Rangeview, but amazingly they didn't recognise each other! Guess who came around the corner at that moment? Their old teacher's (at Rangeview) son!!

We took a short detour to Jay-Jay's to help Kat find this top she was looking for. Originally I kept my distance from the girls' clothes section (once I realised they were girls' clothes!) but then I decided to help. That was interesting!

I was sitting on the bus on Thursday morning when I got a text from 'Secret Admirer'. You may remember I got a text from some mysterious person who kept telling me SHE LOVED ME. Well I got a random text from this person that morning, and through a bit of investigative work uncovered the person's identity! It turns out the person has a sister who knows a certain person who used to work at a certain fish shop...

After walking around the city a bit you start to notice just how many people are holding hands with each other, showing public displays of affection and so on. It's sickening! I'm starting to resent those people! Nah just joking but yeah yay!!!! (individually) for Julie and Alice! I met Julie as she was walking up Queen St with someone! Woo go her! And you too Alice!

Today I was to meet up with my scholarship mentor but my bus was late and so we had to postpone it till next week but at least he helped me borrow this book from the medical library which means I don't have to spend over $100 on the book! I thought I'd try meeting some more people today so I started talking to these people who sat next to me on the bus. The first guy I met was from Malaysia who got a scholarship to study in New Zealand, while I mistakenly took the girl next to me (on the bus ride back) to be a first year student, when she was actually a German student studying 4th year!

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