Thursday 6 April 2006

Slave Sale Success!

We had the Slave Auction today at lunch which turned out to be a real success! I wasn't really sure how it was going to turn out in the morning as I wasn't sure how many were going to show up for the auction, or how much people would bid. I was expecting 20 people max and bids of under $1! We managed to get a full hall with people even watching from outside through the window!

We had Mrs Taylor our dean as the auctioneer, who turned out to be really good! She used my mallet as the auction hammer. Ezra was the first to be auctioned off and I feel a bit bad for him because he got sold off for only $4.50. The further we got though, the higher the bids. THe highest bid on a student was $40, and Mr White the PE teacher raised $36 while Ms McKane the other PE teacher got $24.

The highlight of the auction though was the auctioning off of Mr Jefferies, the year 10 dean. The bid went right up to over $50 with Ms Heath the assistant principal aggressively making bids. She started having competition with Mr Smith the technology teacher, until the bid went right up to $84 and finally she won!

All in all we raised about $300 in total for the Junior Council which was really good!

When I went to Ms Heath to collect the money, she told me she and Mr Jefferies had a little bit of a thing going between them and this was her way of having revenge, so tomorrow we can expect to see Mr Jefferies do some interesting things! I'll post pictures tomorrow! She asked me:

"So where's this money going towards? Please don't tell me it's for that bl**dy flagpole!"

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