Thursday 2 June 2005

No Change

Exams over, now time to look to the accordion competitions this weekend.

I had my NCEA Music performance assessment this morning. I performed second early in the morning, playing the piece Figaro by Rossini. It was really bad! Heaps and heaps of mistakes! Fortunately the teacher let me 'reperform' it, which was a lot better than the first performance.

I had to go off to the dentist (orthodontist) at Middlemore Hospital for my annual check-up, and once again it was all bad news. They measured my height and even took an x-ray of my hand to come to the conclusion that I have stopped growing (with maybe a few cm's left in me!), which means I can now be put on the waiting list for surgery. I originally thought it'd take a decade for me to get to the top, but apparently it isn't that long, and I should be able to get to the top by next year! That'll mean I'll be another person to have braces for a year to straighten my teeth, and then they can operate on my jaw. That means I'll get a two week break from school (or university by then).

Some of the risks I read on the pamphlet are that they may damage my nerves, which means I may not be able to feel in my chin, cheeks or lips. That could mean someone could keep slapping me in the face without me feeling a thing! I'm mainly afraid of waking up in the middle of the operation to see myself all cut up and covered in blood, or even worse, if something goes wrong, dying! I'll say my goodbyes before my operation though, just in case I don't make it! I hope you all come to my funeral though!

One good thing I read in the pamphlet (well there were a lot of good things but this one was interesting) is:

"may also improve facial appearance"


  1. lol Hopefully because I'm on the public waiting list part of the operation will be subsidised by the government (hopefully!!) Aonghas's teeth was similar to mine but not as bad so he only needed a plate to correct the problem

  2. what the....?

    what's going on?

  3. Lol you could get slapped and not feel anything, thats a good thing, but then you could get kissed and not feel anything either! Now thats even worse :P
    And what if it doesn't really improve facial appearances? What if it all goes to crap?!

  4. Oh yeah your comment is so touching ayesha. Im sure you didnt freak calum out of his mind if he wasnt already.

    Hyun came out of it alive, so what bad thing could possibly happen to you?

  5. lol well when they cut my jaw they might accidentally cut it wrongly that they can't reattach it....or I might lose too much blood...or the screws in my jaw might come loose...I better stop thinking bout that sorta stuff!

  6. they wouldnt be doctors if they made stupid mistakes like 'oopsy ripped his mouth a bit too much, so much that i can sew it up again'

    so when are you getting cut open, i mean, operated on?
