Thursday 9 June 2005

Calum Comments - Thursday 9 June 2005

Seatoun Primary School have blocked a christian club from holding get-together meetings during lunchtimes at their school, claiming their school is secular. Even lawyers are getting involved, saying the school has no obligation to provide religious education to their students. The thing is, this club is voluntary. Students have NO obligation to attend these get-togethers during lunch. It is optional, just like joining the choir, the orchestra or the netball team. Not everyone at school must join them, what makes the BOT of this school believe all students must attend this religious get-together?

I was appalled at the choice of music TV3's Sports Tonight show chose to use in the background of their soccer segment. Lyrics included

"S#ck my balls!" and

"Fu*k! Fu*k! Fu*k!"

How is this appropriate for what I assume is supposed to be a sports news show? Of course on TV3 you never have any idea what is news and what isn't. I've sent them feedback giving them hell, and hope they reply. They didn't the last time I sent them a complaint via the feedback form on their website, which says a lot.

Winston Peters - must I say more? Why does he pick specifically on Asians? OK so they may turn some areas of Auckland into Hong Kong, and they congregate together and speak in their own language and leave you out of everything, but you can't deny the fact that there are also Pakehas (white people - using a few terms from our second official national language of course) who can pose as threats to national security, or take advantage of our welfare system. I don't know if Mr Peters is deliberately targeting Asians, but it sure feels that way.


  1. lol hey never mentioned you ;)

  2. geez..why dont you just go Joon?

    I'd rather go than hear the undying nagging and whinging.

  3. im going. if i dont there's no telling what ayesha will do to me. And plus i get to see people i havent seen since intermediate ^-^

    And sarena just decided that i was going just then anyway...

    now i have to go shopping...
