Tuesday 14 June 2005

Calum Comments - Tuesday 14 June 2005

(Sorry to be brief my brother needs to do his homework)

Thank goodness Michael Jackson was found innocent. The prosecution was flimsy, key witnesses were inconsistent and have had a very ...checkered...history.

Despite having our second meningococcal vaccine today at school, people are still sharing food and drinks! Unfortunately these people do not understand that this vaccination only (hopefully) protects people from the B strain, not the C or other existing strains. They may not be as prevalent in New Zealand as B, but it is still possible to catch those other strains. Besides, it is disgusting! I know I know kissing, etc etc etc is also sharing spit and so on but still!

How to Catch a Thief, TV2 on Thursday Nights - not only does it give people advice on how to break into houses, the background music loops endlessly, the ex-burglars are not convincing actors when they show us how 'improved' a house's security system is after they've broken into the house. The show also seems to pride the burglars on having so many convictions. Is this charter television? Thursday nights on TV2 seem to show a lot that sort of stuff, at the bottom end of the quality scale (i.e. think Renters, Eat Yourself Whole) When will they move away from creating shows based around people's ordinary lives and day jobs, and instead create quality local drama, comedy and documentaries (or in TV3's case news and current affairs)?

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