Tuesday 5 April 2005

So much happening this week. It all started off with the biology trip to Piha yesterday...
We set off at 9am on a Ritchies bus. Now you know what usually happens with Ritchies buses. Well yesterday was no different. On our way there we pulled over at the side of the road and the bus driver announced that there was some problem with the brakes, and so another bus had to be called out to take us to Piha.

So there we were, sitting on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere for about half an hour waitiing for another bus. When it FINALLY turned up we completed the trip and made it to Piha.


Once there the work started. We had to climb up this rock wall (or something similar) and, using quadrats and transects record the species living along the rocky shore. The day just couldn't get any worse for me. The first time my group went up the rock wall to gather data, we found absolutely nothing! We must've been in the wrong area! The second time we tried the group member in charge of recording the data didn't exactly record ALL of the data! PLUS the tide didn't go out completely so as I stood on the sand a wave came in and got my shoes all soaked.

This morning the music teacher asked Aonghas and me if we would like to play in the Studio Show, the school's performing arts concert for tomorrow and Thursday, with a dress rehearsal this afternoon. She asked us to play a duet but we had nothing ready so we had to learn one in an hour!

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