Monday 18 April 2005

Tamihere for Prime Minister? Pope a Kiwi?

ONE NEWS Colmar Brunton Poll shows that there has been a huge increase in those who prefer him as prime minister - 3%. If Tamihere became prime minister...byebye gay rights, special Maori privileges and BACK TO THE KITCHEN WOMAN AND BAKE ME A PIE! Is that a good/bad thing?  

The NZ cardinal Tom Williams has a 100-1 chance of becoming the next pope, according to online bookmaker

According to, the odds are that papal name the next pope will choose will be Benedict, and it will take five days to choose the next pope

You'd have to wonder just what people would bet on. In fact, bets are being made even on Britney Spears' personal life! Odds are that her baby will either be called Lynn or Madison, and she will divorce in 2005. Not that anyone really wants to know...

We'll just have to wait to see how accurate these odds are... I'll post more weird and wacky bets/odds as I find them

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