Friday 15 April 2005

A National Mystery

 According to the NZ Herald article 'Rangitoto Fits Elite Tag, says Principal' Rangitoto College principal Allan Peachey claims his school would be the perfect school to become one of the National Party's elite 'trust' schools. What I am interested in is that by giving the 'better' schools greater independence, how will it exactly help the poorer schools? It was stated that:

"Mr Peachey would not say if he thought Rangitoto College should take over surrounding schools."

How will this affect Rutherford College's situation? Would our school be good enough to be considered as a 'trust' school? And if not, which other school will take over us? I'll try read Mr Peachey's book on the subject for more details.

I also hope that just because Mr Peachey is a National MP this won't create any bias as I've previously mentioned on this blog. If any Rangitoto College students are reading this I'd be interested to know if your principal tries to influence you with his centre-right ideologies.

A leaked draft of Dr Brash's education reform speech was leaked. According to it though, under National, more funding would be provided to independent (private) schools, in fact lifting the state�s per-pupil contribution to 50 per cent. Funnily enough they criticised the level of funding being provided to the 'poorer' schools under the current decile system. If funding was excessive, why are these schools still poor? If they are mismanaging the money, then fair enough they deserve to be scrutinised, but most likely it is because they are smaller schools which receive less funding per student than the larger schools, and the families of students aren't exactly rich enough to 'donate' large sums to the school.

What National want to do is privatise schools, just like they are in favour of privatising everything else that is currently under state control. Sure they announced that TVNZ, Kiwibank and Air New Zealand would not be sold off within their first term in power, but who can trust this National party? What will happen if they get reelected for a second term? In fact, what can stop them from selling state assets off whilst in power? At the moment each of those public entities are making a profit for the government, which is (fingers crossed) being spent on the people of New Zealand. The government would certainly make money from selling these assets, but they won't have any money generators left (apart from the tax-paying citizen).

This U-turn by the National Party, along with the 'Cullen Fund' and 4 weeks paid parental leave U-turn is certainly suspicious. I would happily continue living under the Sisterhood rather than a Brash-led government. Fortunately the majority feel the same, according to the latest NFS TV3 poll, and the ONE News Colmar Brunton Poll (which, ironically, is supposed to be the most generous poll towards National, despite being conducted by a crown-owned entity) which all show Labour leading by a considerable gap.

Let's hope for another Labour win these elections! It ain't looking as if will be as easy as last time though...

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