Thursday 14 April 2005

I did not have a Sexual Relationship with my Mama!

"Are you saying that you had sexual relationships with your mother?"

I was accused by the opposing team of having a sexual relationship with my mum!
Furthermore, the adjudicators criticised me for making stereotypes and said that just because I may not go out much and may enjoy going out with my parents and family doesn't necessarily mean all other teenagers do! So I was stereotyped as some studious guy who never goes out! Oh hard feelings there its all true lol
Our debating team (Hyun, Joon and me) had a practice limited preparation debate against Chen, Sam and Jamie's team. The moot was

"that co-ed schools are desirable."

with us being the negative team.Points of information were allowed, which made the debate even more interesting. The third speaker of the affirmative team made the argument that it would be easier for co-ed schools to organise balls and productions.
When it was Joon's (third speaker of negative team) time to speak and argue the previous speaker's main points, he started off with


Tomorrow is the last day of school and it is only a half day!! However we're having our menningicoccal vaccines (which according to friends from other schools hurt for more than three days!!). If all goes well there'll be no more school in no time!

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