Tuesday 26 April 2005

Happy Hug an Aussie Day!!

Happy Hug an Aussie Day everyone!!!

I wouldn't celebrate this day as I kinda have a grudge against Aussies (not anything serious, just because they always beat us in sport and everything else!). I've made exceptions for a few people though, like Max, Toni and Peter, Wei-wei and Aunty Ivy (not really my aunty but you know how it is with Asian family friends - they're also not really Australians but what you could call 'de facto Australians'). Anyway, grab an Aussie today and HUG HIM (or her)!!


Check out the latest video at Xtra Broadband

1 comment:

  1. I'm just another web surfer surfing through da net n i found ur blogs!!
    How cruel to leave ur pet dying...very...slowly!
    Btw... could u name dat goldfish sarah? It's after my dog's name. He died 2 a year ago. May da Sarahs rest in peace!
    Wat's ur last name?
