Friday 19 November 2004

That's Chinese all over. I think I stuffed up listening, but I managed to finish the exam one and a half hours early. I was the only one left in the exam room so I feel sorry for the poor supervisor lady I held up. I kept thinking to myself... 'should I go and let this lady get back to her life, or should I keep making sure my answers are correct?' In the end I decided to be safe.
It gave me this idea that I should start posting messages on this blog in Chinese! Never fear Pakehas....they'll be translated in English though.

1 comment:

  1. "Never fear Pakehas" I find that statement very offensive...Its kinda racist...CHANGE IT!! }:| instead perhaps you could put. Never fear if anoyone out there can't understand chinese...they'll be translated in English though.<-------better way of putting it.
