Monday 15 November 2004

Just watched the news, and saw that girl who's been missing for the last few days has finally been found. Where? Above the ceiling in the church next door to the girl's grandparents house. Who knows why she did it, but it certainly wasted a lot of police effort and precious time when they could instead be aiming to meet their quotas and fining those speeding motorists.

This documentary The Brown Factor on TV ONE tonight also explored the factors that have resulted in more Pacific Islanders and Maoris playing rugby. Interesting to note that when Pacific Islanders first arrived in NZ they were always slagged, badmouthed, and considered as overstayers. Now they are more or less accepted in our society. Maybe this is what is happening all the new Asian immigrants coming to New Zealand? Maybe it takes a few Asians to get into the All Blacks before they get accepted into NZ's society? Who knows...

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