Saturday 30 April 2011

So Much Yum Cha!

Today our family and a few family friends from church went to yumcha together. We went to the Imperial Garden Restaurant in the city once again, as it's pretty much a yumcha buffet! While Aonghas, my dad and a couple others hadn't been there before, most of us had been there before so we knew what to expect.

There was a bit of a mix-up as to where everyone else was, as we had parked in a carpark above the restaurant, while the others all parked down the road. We got to the restaurant first, and while I would've thought it was best to wait till the others arrived before eating, my parents reckoned we should make the most of the time we have, as our lunch period was only from 11.30am-1pm and half an hour had almost passed already!

The others soon arrived and joined us and we began eating! There was so much food there. I was trying not to eat too much greasy, oily food as I don't want my face to be covered in pimples and spots when I graduate. I won't get very good graduation photos!

It's amazing how fast we got full though! We had only been eating for an hour and we were full by the end of it!

After lunch, we all wandered down to Queen Street and split up for a little while. Us guys went to JB Hi Fi while the parents went to check out the $3+GST shop.

We wandered around for a while before heading over to Aotea Square and then sitting in Aotea Centre when we ran out of things to do. Funnily enough our parents came down the stairs a little while later and we reunited before parting ways!

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