Tuesday 5 April 2011

Hamish Gets Assaulted!

It's been a rainy night tonight, and Aonghas was out doing some work while Hamish still hadn't come home from uni. It was soon 10.30pm, so my mum told me to text Hamish to find out where he was. He replied saying he was approaching New Lynn, so I texted him asking if he wanted a ride home.

He texted me telling me he just arrived at the Henderson shops and was waiting for us, so our dad drove down there to pick him up.

Half an hour went by though and they still hadn't returned home. My mum was getting a little worried and tried ringing Hamish but couldn't get through. We decided to jump in the car (with Aonghas who just got home) and drove down to Henderson shops to look for them.

I tried ringing Hamish again, and this time I got through. I could hear Hamish pass the phone to my dad who told me that they were at the police station waiting to make a statement, as Hamish had just been assaulted!

The story was that Hamish was waiting at the bus stop for my dad when there were a group of guys across the road. One guy crossed the road towards Hamish, went up to him and just punched him in the face before swearing at him and walking off! Hamish phoned the police and that's when my dad arrived.

The police soon arrived, and Hamish and my dad jumped in the police car and they went driving around looking for these guys. They saw a group of guys and as the police car approached one guy started running. The police car turned around and chased after this guy before he went into the bushes. One of the policemen got out and went after him but lost him.

They returned to the scene so Hamish could try find his glasses which got knocked off his face but he couldn't find them. A passing police car mistook Hamish as the assaulter!

Fortunately Hamish wasn't too seriously injured, only suffering a minor cut to the face and the loss of his glasses. We met up with them at the police station and waited with them for almost half an hour for him to make a statement before we decided to go since it was approaching midnight and Aonghas had homework to do.

It does make you wonder how safe you are these days.

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