Thursday 7 April 2011

A Birthday Surprise for Gwen

Tonight Gwen, Angie and I had dinner together again. It's now becoming a Thursday night tradition for us!

This week we decided to try Western food after having Asian last Thursday. We went to this place that made burgers that we had passed on the way to the bus stop last week.

I caught up with Angie before Gwen met up with us and Angie told me about buying a surprise birthday cake for Gwen...and it was taro flavoured too! It was her birthday yesterday so that would definitely surprise Gwen!

When Gwen joined us, we all headed off the the burger place and ordered our burgers. I ordered this lamb burger with mint sauce. To be honest it tasted like normal meat, but then again I don't really know the difference between meat! I also bought a couple plates of chips for the girls.

Eating the burgers got a little messy with the juice falling out of the bottom of our burgers!

We eventually finished our burgers and Angie was going to get the cake out, when one of the guys who worked at the burger place passed by and asked Angie if she needed a knife to cut the cake! That sort of wrecked the surprise! I don't think Gwen actually picked up on it but Angie just took out the cake, lit the candles and we both sang Happy Birthday to her!

The cake looked really nice, and tasted just as nice! I got a large slice since the girls didn't eat much!

We soon had to catch our buses but at least it was a good way to end the semester and celebrate Gwen's birthday!

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