Friday 1 January 2010

Happy New Year 2010!


Wow 2009 is finally over, the first decade of the 21st century has passed and 2010 is just beginning!

May you all have a successful, prosperous, joyful, happy....2010! May it bring you everything you want and more!

Looks like I owe a few people some money for bets I've lost. I bet $10 that my friend Jessica would get a Facebook account by the end of the year but she managed to resist! Noo!!!

Anyway here is a review of my New Years' resolutions and how I went:

1. Find a girlfriend (let's make it fourth year in a row!)

2. Make at least one/two new close friends (better if they're female!)

Yes - Along with my existing close friends, I've also become a lot closer to Scholastica and Natalie, my two friends from pharmacy 

2. Join the university gym and finally get abs and become buff!

FAIL - I ended up not getting around to joining the gym, and being in Grafton all the time made it difficult for me to find time. Therefore, I still don't have great abs and I'm definitely not buff! 

3. To spend less on food

Big FAIL - I spent a whole lot more on food this year! Especially different shops like Subway and the bakery! 

4. To get a change of hairstyle and get rid of my pimples

Change of hairstyle - FAIL, it's still the same!
Get rid of my pimples - Semi-success

5. To sort out my computer files, buy a hard drive and back up all the stuff (oh and reformat my laptop)
Sort out computer files - semi-success, I've started sorting out all my files from the last 6+ years, but still working on it these holidays. 
Buy a hard drive/back up everything - FAIL
Reformat my laptop - Partial fail: I reformatted it with Windows Vista earlier in the year, but now I've really got to reformat it with Windows 7!

6. To get a part-time job in the holidays (bonus if it's pharmacy-related)

FAIL - Still haven't found any part-time job at all! At least I've still got my music teaching job though!

7. To memorise the Korean alphabet and learn a few words and phrases, as well as speaking more Chinese (both Mandarin and Cantonese)

FAIL - I haven't memorised the Korean alphabet, and I haven't been speaking much Chinese this year :(

8. To sleep earlier (preferably before midnight)

FAIL - I'm still sleeping after midnight at ~1am

9. To keep in touch with friends, find the time to catch up and hang out with them

I've definitely kept in touch with my high school friends regularly, so I guess you could call it a success!

10. To do more regular music practice and prepare for a music theory exam, whichever grade I can manage

Music practice increased during the Christmas holidays for my church's Christmas concert, but I'm still no way near prepared to sit another music theory exam

That gives a total score of 
Fulfilled New Years' Resolutions: 2.5, Failed New Years' Resolutions: 7.5

- = Calum's 2010 New Years' Resolutions = -

1. Find a girlfriend (fifth year in a row! Maybe last year at uni will be lucky one!)
2. Make two more close friends 
3. Stay at uni longer to study harder, pass all papers and graduate!
4. Join the gym and don't look like such a twig but become buff and get some abs!
5. Buy a new cellphone
6. Get a part-time job, preferably pharmacy-related
7. Save enough money to be able to pay off all debts
8. Come up with a 20-year life plan on where I want to be and how I'll get there
9. Keep practising my existing musical instruments regularly and perform at least three times in 2010, as well as learn one more instrument (maybe flute or clarinet)
10. Take up Chinese (Mandarin) classes
11. Spend less money on food, or else buy cheap food!
12. Get involved with another club at university besides the Dessert Club
13. BE NICE TO DAISY! (and all those other girls I've been mean to!)
14. Do more driving so I can sit my full license or become closer to sitting it
15. Take at least one photo/video a day!
16. Stop making bets with people (late addition)

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